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HomeBreaking NewsThe love of bread challenges our health: alarm from experts

The love of bread challenges our health: alarm from experts

For the people of Azerbaijan, bread is not only food, but also a sacred blessing with cultural value. For many years, bread has occupied the main place on the table in every home. The popular saying “If there is bread, there is blessing” demonstrates once again how important bread is. This is due to the special love of Azerbaijanis for bread. It is no coincidence that Azerbaijanis are often characterized as “a society that eats a lot of bread.” However, it seems that as times change, so does our love for eating bread. Thus, in 2023, 116.6 kilograms of bread per person were consumed in Azerbaijan. This is 5.9 kilograms less than in 2022. I wonder if we have really reduced the amount of bread we eat. What are the pros and cons of reducing bread in our diet?

“Caspian” newspaper article on the subject.

According to economist Akif Nasirli, one of the main reasons for the decrease in bread in our ration is the campaign. As a result of propaganda, people are educated: “A part of the population is on a diet and consumes bread as little as possible. Nowadays, experts also promote healthy eating. 10 or 15 years ago, bread was the most part of the population’s consumption. But the situation is changing little by little.

Food safety expert Ilkin Shirinov stated that eating bread currently on sale is dangerous for our health: “The consumption of bread has become an integral part of nutrition. It is as if it were a law to have bread on the table while eating .But we must think about the usefulness of the bread and flour products we use. The main danger is the chemicals used in the preparation of bread and flour products. They use them to extend the shelf life of bread for 2-3, even 5 days.”

I. According to Shirinov, both white and black bread sold in the store contain chemical additives.

“In addition, today special peroxides are used to make bread whiter and have greater volume. Although the color of wheat bread itself is white, additives are added to give it volume, shape and color for sale. But These substances are a direct source. Not only does wheat bread pose a danger to human health, but we also play with the composition of the so-called diet bread. In fact, its composition should only contain rye flour and spices that contain chemicals. If the conditions are not followed, they will become sticky and have an unpleasant odor.”

The expert also showed the way out for those who cannot live without bread: “Those who cannot give up bread, it is better to prefer bread made from low-quality, coarsely ground flour. Even if we do not completely give up bread, we should try to reduce its use as much as possible. Some people grind flour themselves and make bread. People who cannot give up bread can eat healthier by trying to bake at home, because producers do not think about “They care about the health of “Consumers only think about their sales and profits.”

Dietitian Leyla Zulfugarlı said that we can protect ourselves and our health from diseases by using whole wheat bread: “Reducing bread consumption by six kilograms per person in two years is a good indicator. Because by reducing bread consumption, we can reduce the risk of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases. By choosing the right bread, it is possible to satisfy our needs with one or half slices. There is nothing wrong with eating them in moderation.

Food expert Farid Safarov also confirmed that people are reducing bread in their food rations: “We hope to see a slightly larger reduction in the statistics. I also confirm from people around me that even those who eat a lot of bread have reduced Nowadays, compared to previous times, most people do not eat bread and replace it with alternative carbohydrates, or prefer healthier breads, for example, breads made with lentils, buckwheat, oats, etc. mainly complex carbohydrates. “

According to F. Safarov, the harm of bread to our body is much greater than its benefit: “In the current situation, reducing bread consumption has mainly positive aspects. Because the flour is polished a lot during the preparation of bread. The most important thing The important thing is to keep in mind that bread is a carbohydrate. How many carbohydrates are there in our diet? If it is less, it is better for us. In addition, bread is digested more slowly and can be replaced with carbohydrates. more useful complexes for the body.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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