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The magical red and white of Salvador Illa

Salvador Illa became the Pop magician in a funeral version with its famous tower of Red and yellow flag appearing and disappearing. When the president If you attend an event, it may happen that the national flag is present or not, but if you want to bet, you can do it 4 to 1 so that it does not appear. Who sits with Jaume Collboni in Palau? This. What happens at the headquarters of the Mossos d’Esquadra? No trace of the Spanish flag. At his inauguration as president? Maybe not. Family photo of the regional government? Even less.

Salvador Illa describes it as “normalizing” that the Spanish flag appears very occasionally next to him or a member of his government. He said this in a recent interview on TV3. The “normal” thing would be for the red and the gualda to be next to the senyera at all official events in which a member of the Government participated, but within the framework reunion agenda For the socialist leader, what is “normal” is that the national flag is ignored and that only the regional flag is present. Some will say that “at least it is there from time to time, with CKD, it was never there”. This shows how high their demands are: to respect the law on the flag from time to time. Of course, if a citizen pays from time to time taxes, then the socialists crush it.

The PSC’s relationship with the Spanish flag and the Spanish language is opportunistic. During the election campaign, Salvador Illa can say “Lérida”, he can lead rallies in Spanish and at some socialist rallies, red and white women can appear. Once the votes are counted, Jaume Collboni fires the municipal employees – cooks, clarinetists and cleaners – for not having a level attesting to the mastery of Catalan, Illa creates a department of Persecution –Politics– Linguistics and puts in charge a radical independentist close to ERC and the Government Delegation in Catalonia –in the hands of Carlos Prieto, leader of the PSC– does not enforce flag law.

In Catalonia there are hundreds of municipalities led by separatist governments that do not respect the flag law, and the Spanish flag does not fly in the town hall building, due to the complicity of the government delegation. Only when there are elections does the Electoral Council take care of the resources of constitutionalist entities such as Impulso Ciudadano and for a few days these city councils turn red, to avoid the disqualification of mayors or councilors. Among the rebel city councils there are dozens with socialist mayors and councilors.

Yes, he party that governs Spainthe socialist, is part of the municipal governments in whose town halls the Spanish flag does not fly. It is said that this attitude facilitates the “reunion”. We see that cleaning the boots of the separatists and trampling on the linguistic rights of the Catalans who want their children to receive an education in Spanish facilitates “coexistence”. And that the flag of Spain, a symbol that unites all Spaniards, appears very occasionally in the acts of the councilors of the Generalitat, is “normalizing”. It is at least clear that the PSC has changed sides and is just another separatist party. If you prefer, Illa is at the head of the moderate wing of secessionism, because she occasionally waves a red flag. Illa greets King Felipe VI, but the CPS applies the policy of persecution of Spanish that ERC has implemented. Collboni meets the king and the mayor of Madrid, but in the streets of Barcelona there are practically no municipal signs or signs in Spanish, the vast majority being only in Catalan.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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