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HomeBreaking NewsThe main reasons for the West's prejudice against Azerbaijan: "They use Armenians...

The main reasons for the West’s prejudice against Azerbaijan: “They use Armenians as a tool”

“In reality, we are already accustomed to the West adopting double standards. The latest events once again demonstrate that in the West there are certain circles that carry out their policy against Azerbaijan at one level or another.”

This Oku.AzMP in an interview with Azer Allahveranov saying.

According to him, in some cases Western institutions have commercial (material, commercial) interests against other countries, and Azerbaijan prevents the realization of these interests:

– In other cases, these interests are under pressure from the Armenian lobby. Especially before the elections to be held in those countries, we are witnessing that such relations are clearly manifested. It is directly about gaining the voice of the Armenian diaspora, statements and slogans are implemented that respond to their interests.

– Even in this context, Azerbaijan is accused of lies…

– Here they use Armenians who voluntarily left Karabakh, they say that they were forcibly expelled from Karabakh. However, Azerbaijan ended separatism on its territory by putting an end to the remnants of the separatist regime. The residents of Armenian origin who lived in those areas were prisoners of that regime. In fact, Azerbaijan freed them from this slavery. Overall, Azerbaijan can be considered one of the only countries that has ended separatism on its territory and crushed the activities of the so-called regime over the past decades. Therefore, Azerbaijan can be proud of itself in this regard. But there are circles that do not want to digest this, cannot accept that the position of Azerbaijan, increasingly stronger and more vocal, is more decisive, and that is why they try to carry out a campaign full of threats and evil against our state by various means. .

– It is interesting that the leaders of the so-called regime forced the Armenians to leave Karabakh. But the voice of Western circles comes out more than that of the Armenians. Isn’t that absurd?

– Azerbaijan offered those Armenians citizenship to stay in the country and created all the necessary conditions for this. At the same time, he fully guaranteed their safety. Even the State Migration Service launched the Reintegration.gov.az portal to ensure the reintegration into our society of Armenian residents living in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan, so that those who left our territories could later register on that portal and return safely. But they did not take advantage of this opportunity.

As a result, this showed that the desire to live together with the Azerbaijani people is not very high among the Armenian population. Now Western countries use this fact in a completely different context and try to portray Azerbaijan in a completely different way. With this they intend to attack the reputation of Azerbaijan. But all these attempts are useless. Because there is an international law to which Azerbaijan refers. There are standards accepted by the universal and international community to which Azerbaijan adheres.

– Can we then say that such attempts by the West will always be doomed to failure?

– Of course, these double standards will not make sense. Because it is Azerbaijan that has been subjected to ethnic cleansing for more than 30 years, but Azerbaijan is also the accused. First of all, hundreds of thousands of our compatriots were forcibly expelled from the territory of Western Azerbaijan, subjected to torture, murder and brutal treatment, and our citizens who fled from the territory of Karabakh during the occupation suffered the same fate. All these events happened to us precisely because we were Azerbaijanis. Even today our rights continue to be violated, the return of our compatriots to the lands of Western Azerbaijan is not guaranteed, Armenia, unlike Azerbaijan, does not guarantee the return of people of ethnic origin. Mining terrorism against Azerbaijan continues today. From time to time we receive reports that civilians are injured and killed in one way or another as a result of mine explosions in the occupied territories. Not even the mine maps are presented to us accurately.

– Why is the West trying today to accuse Azerbaijan of an incident that is not Western, but does not raise its voice for more than a million of our compatriots who have been tortured and whose rights have been massively violated?

– Because the hostility shown against Azerbaijan continues deliberately. Although there is a negotiated peace agreement on the table, the determination of the 13-kilometer state border between the two states and the implementation of related delimitation and demarcation works were discussed. Despite all this, the Armenian government and its officials still shout racist slogans against Azerbaijan from various points of view. Recently, the Speaker of the Armenian Parliament, Alen Simonyan, gave a completely racist response when commenting on the return of Azerbaijanis to the lands of West Azerbaijan. However, for some reason, these issues are not commented on by the centers that consider themselves precursors of democracy, but rather they accuse Azerbaijan of a non-existent incident. All this shows the hypocrisy of the West and its always partial position against Azerbaijan.

– Do these double standards and prejudices have or can they have any effect in Azerbaijan?

– On the contrary, Azerbaijan continues to develop, leaving aside all these characteristics. Azerbaijan remains the flagship state of the South Caucasus. Azerbaijan is also the initiator of many transnational international projects implemented in the South Caucasus. These projects are impossible without Azerbaijan. Today, the world’s giant states are implementing numerous logistics and energy projects passing through Azerbaijan, defining new strategic lines related to green energy issues. Furthermore, Azerbaijan is directly involved in the implementation of major projects connecting East and West, North and South, and thanks to Azerbaijan’s guarantee, those projects are being successfully implemented.

Thanks to Azerbaijani gas exported to Europe, today 10 European countries are insured against energy threats. That is, despite all the difficulties, Azerbaijan has become a State that participates in the system of international relations as a State that guarantees in one way or another the energy security of these States. Of course, anti-Azerbaijani forces who are concerned about these issues cannot accept the growing image of Azerbaijan and its strengthened position by using various methods and using countries like Armenia as a tool. Therefore, they want to prevent this process by all means.

– Can the institutional development of the Turkish world and the participation of Azerbaijan as a leading country be considered among the issues that concern the West in this sense?

– Today, the strengthening of relations of the greater Turkish world in various fields, the strengthening of the new political center, which unites more than 300 million people around a common ideology, is also carried out with the participation of Azerbaijan, so the political circles and power centers of the West, which have many Turkophobic moods, are part of this process that they are trying to prevent. But all this is in vain. Because the progressive forces of the world, especially the forces that pragmatically evaluate the new geopolitical processes happening in the world, want to use this growing role and opportunities of Azerbaijan for their own interests.

Merahim Nasib


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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