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The man had an affair with another woman: he tortured his wife, who was jealous of him

Aziz, born in 1991 in the Zagatala district, injured his wife Telli (names provided conditionally – ed.) during a dispute arising from jealousy. reports that the incident took place on March 29 last year in one of the villages of Zagatala district. Aziz had an argument with his wife Telli in the house in the same village where they lived.

The reason for the dispute was jealousy between Aziz and his wife. Telli accused her husband Azizi of having an affair with Vafa, a resident of Zagatala. Therefore, in an attempt to take revenge on his wife, Aziz punched her and inflicted various physical injuries on her.

Article 127.1 of the Criminal Code against Aziz, the perpetrator of the act (which does not endanger the life of the victim and does not lead to the consequences provided for in Article 126 of this Code, but does lead to lasting deterioration of health or significant loss of less than one third of the total working capacity, resulting in intentionally causing minor damage to health) was announced as a charge.

Aziz, who testified as an accused in the criminal case, pleaded guilty to the charge that had been announced against him. He said that in 2014 he married Telli, a resident of Zagatala district, and that he has two minor children from a joint marriage. Zagatala called her and accused her of meeting with Vafa. After that, I slapped her, went outside to get some air and my young children stayed at home.”

The accused stated that after staying on the street for about 30-40 minutes that night, he returned home and when he entered he saw his wife Telli and his young children sleeping: “I also closed the door and slept on the sofa. At the entrance of the house in the morning I went to Zagatala to work. During the argument there was no one at home except our two young children.

According to Telli, who testified as a victim in the case, her husband Aziz has been working as a driver-forwarder at the company since 2017 and at the same time, to support his family, he currently drives a taxi in the village with his Mercedes-Benz car: “On the day of the incident, the two of us who were under my care. When I was at home with my little son, my husband Aziz came home at around 11 pm. When he came home, I told him that his acquaintance Vafa, a resident of Zagatala, had written to me and insulted me via “WhatsApp”. Denying her relationship with him, she started an argument with me. During that argument, Aziz slapped me once on the mouth and hit me on the body. “

The victim pointed out that Vafa has a relationship with her husband Aziz, interferes with her family and worries her by writing on WhatsApp: “Vafa kept in touch with Aziz on the phone and spread rumors about me. Aziz and I regularly argue on the basis of family and domestic relations, many times during that argument Aziz hit me, however, I did not report to any authority about the incident that occurred last time, asking for help to prevent future unpleasant situations and take action against my husband Aziz. did.”

According to Vafa, who testified as a witness in the case, she works as a saleswoman in a jewelry store in Zagatala: “My husband, Vusal, introduced me to Aziz. I met him thanks to my husband. Since Aziz is a taxi driver With the car he drives, my husband Vusal sometimes calls him as a taxi. He took me to my workplace and my little daughter to the boarding school in Zagatala. I know Telli’s wife by word of mouth. She came to the shop where I worked. She slandered me for interfering with her family. At the same time, Telli used my mobile phone by “writing a message via” and saying that she spread rumors in the community that I called and met with Aziz. Aziz, I have not met him nor have I interfered with his family. The last time I drove Aziz in January 2023 in a “Mercedes” car driven by my husband Vusali, I saw him when he brought him to the house we live in. I have not seen Aziz since then. What Telli said about me is false and slanderous.”

This criminal case was heard in the Zagatala District Court. The court took into account the fact that the accused reconciled with the victim and that the latter did not complain about him. For this reason, the criminal proceedings against Aziz were terminated. He was exonerated from criminal liability.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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