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The mayor of Alcalá de Guadaíra denounces sexist insults and threats for the reception of 85 migrants

Ana Isabel JimenezMayor of Alcalá de Guadaíra, denounced on her social networks several sexist insults and threats that she received after the arrival of 80 migrants in the municipality.

“Even today, women have to endure this type of aggression. Degrading remarks that incite I already hate violence which, curiously, they accuse others of simply because of the colour of their skin,” he writes in X.

In her words, the mayor of the municipality of Alcala attached several insults received online. One of the publications directly threatened her with death: “We should hang the“.

But others invited him to welcome migrants into your home and they ended the sentence with a sexist message. “The deputy must first see them to know which one suits him best,” read another message. “The mayor’s whore in her quiet house, the bitch or on vacation,” was another of the messages shared by the councilor.

The complaint comes after it was learned that the municipality of Alcalá de Guadaíra would receive 85 migrants at the Sandra HotelThe reception is provided by the Spanish NGO Spanish Commission for Assistance to Refugees (CEAR) in consultation with the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration.

Until December 31, 2024

This body will be in charge of managing the space until December 31, 2024. It will have a team of qualified personnel composed of reception technicians, lawyers, psychologists and administrators. They come from Grenadewhere the center where they were previously housed has closed its doors.

The arrival of these migrants was accompanied by controversialsince the government has not informed either the Junta de Andalucía or the city council of the aforementioned city, which even requested information by letter from the ministry.

Initially, the City Council knew that they would arrive on Monday, but they had no news of their exact number or the period during which they would be received. The first information, as the mayor revealed, reached him last Wednesday unofficially, through hoteliers of the municipality.

After being informed and the arrival of the first migrants took place this Monday, the mayor Ana Isabel Jimenezof the PSOE, invited its citizens to collaborate with the reception.

“They will respond generously”

“I am convinced that our neighbors They will respond generously and solidarity, just as we have already done to help other disadvantaged groups. We have done it in the past with refugees from the Balkans, the Saharawi people or the war due to the invasion of Ukraine, so I know that we will respond to this challenge in the same way,” he said in statements to Radio Guadaíra.

Before the arrival, the first demonstrations had already been registered. About 200 people gathered last Sunday in front of the Hotel Sandra. It is located opposite a school, which has caused concern among some parents. To them, the Minister of Educational Development and Professional Training, María del Carmen del Castillo, sent a message of “calm” last Monday.

Sexist messages and threats continued throughout the week, as the mayor denounced.I am proud to be a woman and I will continue to work harder,” he concluded in his message of complaint on the networks.




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