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The Minister of Culture opens the door to the theses of the Platform for a public Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba

THE Mosque-Cathedral Platform reported in a statement that the Minister of CultureErnest Urtasun (Sumar), received to their representatives. This group gave him a written set of proposals related to this monument. Two members of the Platform, Miguel Santiago and Anna Freixas, sent their “concerns” for the ecclesiastical management of the historic building, which, according to him, “violates the values ​​recognized by UNESCO [ente que concede el título de Patrimonio de la Humanidad, que ostenta este monumento], in his repeated attempt to erase the Andalusian imprint by all means at his disposal.

It is surprising that the Minister opens door to the theses of the Mosque platformwhile their positions demanding that the historic temple be public, taking it away from the Church, have had no solidity. And the historic property of the Cabildo has proven unassailable; even when left-wing political forces have explored this possibility.

The citizens’ group said it had requested that the “State protective action “is not limited to protecting the materiality of the monumental ensemble but also extends to guaranteeing scientific, rigorous and professional dissemination and diffusion”, which avoids what this group considers to be happening with the Mosque-Cathedral: “The falsification and distortion of its history and its heritage values, as has been happening for years.

THE Platform said to Urtasun “his special concern for him Master planrecently prepared by the Cathedral Chapter, which considers the Andalusian jewel in its dimension almost exclusively as a Catholic temple and ignores its exceptional heritage values ​​as a national monument and UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Cordoba collective recalled the importance not only of the constitutional right to worship but also of culture and knowledge that help all citizens. Dozens of international expertsamong them Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Eduardo Manzano, Pierre Guichard or Maribel Fierro, to have denounced “In recent years, the memory hijacking” of the monument by the Catholic Church. A surprising argument that ignores the countless experts who praise the Cabildo’s management of this monument.

The Mosque-Cathedral Platform assures that the Minister of Culture listened “attentively” to the collective’s considerations

He Minister of Cultureas indicated by the Platform, listened “with attention” the reflections of this group, together with Sela del Pozo Coll, head of the Support Unit of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Fine Arts. Elena Gallego also participated in the ministerial team. It would be an active listening that Sumar encourages so much, but, in the press release, it is not indicated that Urtasun has made any commitment.

“THE non-execution of sentence about the large lattice of the cathedral mosque “This was also analyzed at the meeting,” the Platform said. This group “showed its surprise at the judicial decision to consider executed the sentence that declared illegal the removal of the piece that closed the arch of nave number 17 of the north wall that faces the Patio de los Naranjos. Three years later, the damage caused has not been repaired, the processions continue to pass under the arch and a temporary canvas appears in its place. This association has always opposed the official Holy Week race reaching, despite the logic of the decision adopted, the main temple of the diocese.

In its package of proposals, the citizen association also requested to the Minister of Culture who reform the law on historical heritage to prevent the privatization of cultural interest assets (BIC), as specified in the bill drafted by José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes, who headed the department between 2020 and 2021.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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