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HomeLatest NewsThe Minister of Housing will confirm this Thursday her blackmail against Ayuso

The Minister of Housing will confirm this Thursday her blackmail against Ayuso

He Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda will meet next Thursday, October 3, the advisors of the branch of autonomous communities at a new sectoral conference on housing and the urban agenda to ratify their blackmail which threatens to withdraw the AIDS for communities that refuse to comply with the government’s housing law, such as Madrid of Isabel Diaz Ayuso.

This meeting, at which the minister of the branch, Isabelle Rodriguezbrought forward to mid-September during an event in Chiclana de la Frontera (Cádiz), will take place a week after Rodríguez warned the autonomy “rebellious” to the housing law that they will not receive public funds for housing if they do not respect it. rule that the government approved more than a year and a half ago.

The minister reminded the CCAA that almost 70 to 75% of the financial resources that the autonomy uses for their housing policies come from state funds, so if they are not responsible for compliance with the law, this financing will be conditional on their achievement. he.

Thus, the minister declared that “she cannot treat equally” the regions which strive to respect the law on housing to help their citizens and those which, “to attack the government”, are “rebellious” compliance with regulations, as is the case in the Community of Madrid.

These statements earned the Minister of Housing the disapproval of the President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who assured that it was not possible to “limit the price of housing because it does not work and because It’s an attack on property.” and that we cannot “govern with outdated left-wing policies”.

Indeed, as OKDIARIO published this Sunday, the Dutch model which uses Add to justify these measures. The People’s Party called on the Minister of Housing to “immediately” rectify Ayuso’s remarks and not leave the CCAA without state funds for non-implementation of the Housing Law.

New housing plan

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda is immersed in the works of the new National Housing Plan (PEV) for the period 2026-2029, with which he wishes to extend the social housing stock in Spain to get closer to European personalities.

The new plan, which will replace the one in force for the period 2022-2025, will aim to offer “greater transparency and greater citizen participation”, as Rodríguez defended a few months ago.

Likewise, the Minister of Housing assured during an interview with Senate at the beginning of September, that in the next National Housing Plan, he wanted to agree with the Autonomous Communities that public funds allocated to housing policies would remain “always public” and would not end up in the hands of vulture funds.

Until now, the 2022-2025 Housing Plan had allocated 1.717 million euros through 13 programs, of which 1.440 million had been provided by the Government for direct assistance with rent, access to housing for young people or assistance to owners in the form of protection insurance.

Another of the main axes on which the meeting that the Ministry of Housing will hold with the autonomy will be structured next Thursday will be the new call for Young Rental Bonuswhich Rodríguez has already announced will be carried out in the second half of the year and will have a larger budget item.

The Young Rental Bonus is an aid 250 euros monthly intended for those under 35 to be able to pay rental income. The Government has allocated a total of 200 million euros per year to this line in 2022 and 2023, which it has distributed between the different autonomous communities and autonomous cities.

However, in this new appeal, still undated, the Government will increase the amount to ensure that “more young people can benefit”.

“We are going to reissue the Youth Rental Bonus (…) by expanding the budget item,” Rodríguez argued a few months ago in the Senate, without however detailing the amount of the increase.

Likewise, the minister assured that for this new call, the technical services of the ministry were asked to “analyze and evaluate” the way in which the different autonomies manage this help line, because “with the same instruments “There are many differences between communities in how different aid files are handled.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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