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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Security Council of Abkhazia call for overcoming the confrontation with Russia

Abkhaz Foreign Minister Sergei Shamba has called for improving relations with Russia, with which, according to him, a “confrontation” is taking place. On September 3, Shamba held a briefing for journalists on the issue of unconfirmed materials published in the news space about a meeting between Deputy Head of the Russian Presidential Administration Dmitry Kozak and Abkhaz President Aslan Bzhania.

The protocol of the meeting between Kozak and Bzhania states the need to suspend the transfer of Russian financial assistance to the republic from September 1 until the Abkhaz side fulfills the following obligations: ratify the agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia on the recognition and enforcement of court and arbitration decisions in economic cases; ensure the entry into force of the agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Armenia on the implementation by Russian legal entities of investment projects on the territory of the Republic of Armenia; remove restrictions imposed on Russian investors in the commercial real estate (apartments) market of the RA.

Responding to a question from journalists about the authenticity of the document, Sergei Shamba said:

“We have not received anything through our channels. A document that has not arrived officially, we cannot determine it as genuine.”

He also noted that the issues raised there had been repeatedly raised at several meetings.

“These are all the questions that were there. The point is that our failure to comply with our obligations may entail certain sanctions that have already started to be implemented on September 1. Social funding will be suspended, which affects doctors, teachers, law enforcement, etc.” – Shamba said.

Speaking about the clause of the protocol on the possibility of depriving some parliamentarians and representatives of opposition political forces of the republic of Russian citizenship, Shamba said that deprivation of citizenship is the prerogative of the Russian side.

Shamba also noted that society and representatives of opposition forces are concerned about the issue of possible deprivation of citizenship, but not about the sanctions that have already taken place.

“This is what we should talk about and worry about. Where will this situation lead us, how to get out of it, and what situation will develop in Abkhazia if such a confrontation continues? I think our society should be concerned about these issues first of all.” – said the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He noted that “lately there has been a lot of discontent among our allies.”

“Relations have changed significantly. This is not what it was at the beginning. I remember when I was Foreign Minister, when Abkhazia was recognised and what the attitude was in Russian society. This is not the case today. We all tried to make this happen. Let us all try to rectify the situation somehow.” – Shamba said.

Secretary of the Security Council of Abkhazia Raoul Lolua At the briefing, he noted that there is concern about the reduction in funding for security forces by Russia. Many security agreements have been signed between the countries, and significant amounts of funds have been allocated to the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Security Service, the head of the Security Council of Abkhazia said.

“The Russian side stated in all documents that if (Abkhazia) does not fulfill its obligations, it will suspend financial assistance in certain areas,” – said.

Lolua added that the cuts affected the salaries of teachers and doctors. In addition, Abkhazia will have to pay for electricity supplies from the budget at commercial rates.

Lolua noted that Russia has fulfilled all its obligations. The Russian Federation acts as a guarantor of the republic’s security and it is necessary to strengthen relations with it, he said.

“Our task is to ensure maximum interaction with the Armed Forces, with the Security Council (of Russia), so that they can see that we are reliable partners and that we are fulfilling our agreements,” – the head of the Security Council of Abkhazia stressed.

EADaily Russia has suspended payments to teachers, doctors and security forces as of September 1. In addition, during the shortage, electricity will be supplied to Abkhazia at a commercial cost.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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