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The Mistake Many Of Us Make When Removing Clean Clothes From The Washing Machine

Washing clothes is one of the most common household chores. But, even though the process is very internalized, many mistakes persist: one of the main ones is not airing the clothes after washing. It is not always possible to hang the clothes immediately afterwards, although by leaving them in a certain way in our appliance we could make a mistake that could harm both the clothes and our health.

Mistakes when removing clean clothes

Although it may seem that after distributing the clothes to be washed, selecting the program and starting the washing machine, the job is already done, this is not the case: there is always a risk of making a big mistake. Once the washing program is finished, it is advisable to hang the clothes as soon as possible, so that they dry faster and do not acquire bad odors.

Due to lack of time, many people make the mistake of leaving the washing machine as is until they have time to take the clothes out to hang them. However, this could cause the formation of bad odors, bacteria and mold on freshly cleaned clothes, as well as affecting the useful life of your appliance.

In this way, even if there is not enough time to hang out the clothes, it is advisable to always leave the washing machine door open, as soon as the chosen program has finished. In this way, it will be easy to avoid wear on the rubber seals and the drum, while preserving the hygiene of our clothes.

Why leaving the washing machine closed after a program is bad

After using a washing machine, it is advisable to hang the clothes or put them in the dryer as soon as possible, although this is often not done. Leaving the washing machine closed with freshly cleaned clothes is fatal for the clothes, as the humid environment inside the drum, added to the tightness of the appliance, constitutes a breeding ground for the growth of microorganisms.

This is not the only reason why it is not recommended to leave the washing machine closed. Leaving the appliance closed can also cause unpleasant odors. The accumulation of mold and bacteria can neutralize the effect of soaps and detergents, eliminating cleaning aromas and leaving clothes smelly after washing.

This not only affects the washing cycle that takes place with the lid closed, but the bad odours can persist even during one or more subsequent washes, affecting not only the laundry in progress, but the rest of the programmes.

Washing machines, like any other appliance, require care and inspection from time to time. This not only helps it to function properly, but also to extend its life as long as possible. Leaving the washing machine door closed after a wash promotes the accumulation of mold and residue on internal parts, such as the filter or rubber, seriously affecting its operation and its estimated life.

Other Ways to Avoid Washing Machine Wear and Tear

Opening the washing machine door after a program is a great way to help the appliance work properly. However, it is not the only one, to make it last as long as possible, other conservation methods must be implemented.

So, one of them is to maintain regular cleaning. Although it may seem that the washing machine is always clean – since it is used to clean our clothes – the truth is that the appliance accumulates a lot of dirt from all the clothes it washes.

It is therefore advisable to clean the drum and rubber seals frequently to remove any traces of moisture, residue and bacteria or detergent. In addition, some washing machines have self-cleaning cycles that are very useful for keeping the appliance in good condition.

Schedule self-wash cycles while the rest of your clothes are drying to ensure your washing machine is clean and extend its life as long as possible.

Another of the most common mistakes that contribute to the accumulation of remains and residues is the excessive use of detergent. Its excessive use is counterproductive, since it could facilitate the accumulation of remains in different areas. Some of the disadvantages related to the excessive use of detergent are:

  • Accumulation of debris on clothing.
  • Unpleasant odors on clothes.
  • Damage to fabric fibers.
  • Risk of skin irritation.
  • Problems with the washing machine – such as excessive foaming or detergent residue on rubber bands and filters.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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