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HomeTop StoriesThe moment Israeli bombing interrupts a TV show in Lebanon

The moment Israeli bombing interrupts a TV show in Lebanon

The Israeli offensive has extended to Lebanon, a country bordering Gaza, where in the last 48 hours bombs have already caused nearly 500 dead and more than 1,600 injured under the pretext of achieving the objectives of the armed group Hezbollah, linked to Hamas. Attacks which, like what we have seen for almost a year in Gaza, follow one another minute after minute and even seen live.

This is what happened in Baalbek, east of Beirut. Among the savage attacks of this Monday, there is one that a journalist suffered live and which broke out a few hours later. It Lebanese journalist Fadi Boudiamagazine director pro-Hezbollah Maraya International, was broadcasting from his home on Monday when a missile shattered his window during a Attack by Israeli forces. In the video, which you can see on these lines, you can see how the journalist was about to establish a connection, when an explosion makes him jump forward and disappear from the image. The broadcast is immediately interrupted.

Little is known about the attack and the health of the journalist, who was injured according to local media. In addition to the attack, cameras captured numerous bombings launched by the Israeli army. On Monday morning, Israel urged the Lebanese population to leave the southern regions of the country in the face of imminent bombings. The Israeli army then gave residents of the Bekaa Valley in the east two hours to evacuate areas near buildings used by Hezbollah before launching further attacks.

In addition to the fifty dead and nearly two thousand injured, the Israeli attacks have caused tens of thousands of people to fleeforced to leave areas bombed by Israel in Lebanon, leaving behind images of Anxiety and collapsed roads. Fears of an “all-out war” in neighboring Gaza are already a reality in an area where tensions have been rising since the start of Israeli attacks on October 8, 2023. So far, Israel has already launched its deadliest offensive in more than 30 years in the Mediterranean country, and it shows no signs of slowing down.




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