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The Moors and Christians Festivals of Ontinyent, declared Festivals of International Tourist Interest

The Valencian city festival has been celebrated in its current form and without interruption since 1860.

The Moors and Christians Festivals of Ontinyent (Valencia) have been declared Festivals of International Tourist Interest for their “rootedness, popularity and ability to generate a deep sense of belonging” to the community, forming part of the history and culture of the city.

Among the different acts that are part of the festival, three stand out for “their particularity and their ability to move” the participants, such as the entrance of the musical groups performing “Chimo”, the most international Moorish march; the gala procession; and the Esmorzar de la Llàgrima (Lunch of Tears), a moment in which the festival-goers who died last year are remembered, as indicated by the Ministry of Industry and Tourism in a press release.

The Secretary of State for Tourism, Rosario Sanchezhighlighted the ability of this festival, which takes place practically throughout the year until reaching the central events in August, to “infuse the entire region with the spirit of celebration and twinning, beyond the town of Ontinyent, attracting thousands of visitors every year who enjoy directly experiencing the senses and exciting events, which are a living legacy of the history of the Valencian Community.

Likewise, Sánchez wanted to emphasize the “a collective effort” of all the citizens of Ontinyent and, above all, of the Society of Festeros that takes care of its organization year after year. “It is thanks to the selfless effort, affection and attention of many people that the Moorish and Christian festivals of Ontinyent are held with such success, which makes them worthy of this recognition,” he stressed.

Moorish and Christian Festivals Ontinyent They are among the oldest in the Valencian Community. They have been celebrated, in their current form and without interruption, since 1860. They are organized every year by the Society of Festeros of the Santísimo Cristo de la Agonía and the central events take place at the end of August.

This festival was recognized as being of national tourist interest in 2010. With the signing of the resolution of the Secretary of State for Tourism of the Moors and Christians Festivals of Ontinyent, the number of Festivals of International Tourist Interest that Spain has, 15 of them in the Valencian Community.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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