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HomeLatest NewsThe most common scams in mechanic shops that you can't even imagine

The most common scams in mechanic shops that you can’t even imagine

When we take the vehicle to the workshop we must know that there are a series of risks, as with any other type of business. we must have Be careful with whom we will check the carwith professionalism and also with demonstrated honesty. Many mechanic shops do not carry out work based on what they will charge later or the budget given to the customer.

Distrust of mechanics

Mechanic working in the workshop.

It is a fact that distrust towards the mechanical sector is increasing more and more in the automotive world, which is why there are experts in the United States, more precisely in North Carolinawho wanted to comment on how one can detect a mechanic who is a fraudster.

This way, it is possible to find another place to carry out the inspection or repair of the car.

Let’s move on to the signs by which it is possible to detect fraud:

engine oil

When a mechanic tells us that it is possible to use any type of oil in the engine, we must be careful. We are talking about one of the most fundamental faults, but also one of the most important for the car, as well as for the useful life in the futuresince it is responsible for lubricating the most important parts of the engine.

Whether the car will be trouble-free in this important and expensive area will depend on the type of oil.

This manual specifies which type of oil will be most suitable for the engine and if a different type is chosen there may be different mechanical parts that will wear out prematurely or irregularly, so that the metal particles remain in the same liquid and deterioration is accelerated.

Fast track interview

You should start to be suspicious when a mechanic insists on completing the maintenance service earlier than expected.

Let’s not forget that the maintenance plan must be followed and it will be the most suitable for each type of vehicle, which we will find in the car manual.

Also be wary if the mechanic tries to convince you that manufacturers do not understand the negative effects that can occur on engines when driving in real conditions.

It should be remembered that brands travel thousands of kilometers before deciding to mass produce a vehicle, because they are considered a good number of real situations that a vehicle may face, including extreme temperatures, as well as dusty environments for example.

Show dirty parts

We are faced with another tactic used by the mechanics to make it disappear. paying for a service that was not budgeted for. They will do this by pointing out dirty parts, like a fuel filter.

Dirt does not require automatic replacement of parts, as many components naturally accumulate dirt over time and this does not mean they need to be changed.

Be careful when using cheaper parts

If they tell you that they had to use a different but similar brand, pay close attention, because what that different brand implies is that it will be more economical and this will not always be reflected on the bill that will be at the end.

It is important to keep in mind that genuine parts will be designed to fit the car exactly and give it the best possible performance.

Cheaper parts are made to fit as many types of cars as possible to expand sales opportunities, which will reduce efficiency and durability.

You have to be careful

The most important conclusion from all this is that we must pay close attention to everything. Sometimes we can act in good faith and that is advisable, but it is no less true that we cannot always trust everything that mechanics tell us.

Of course, there are times when, due to the very complexity of mechanical problemsIt is not always possible to know whether a particular repair they have carried out is correct or whether they have used better or worse quality spare parts, but other times we can find out.

So now you know, don’t trust blindly and think about a mechanic shop you can trust.

Here you will see that there are all kinds of opinions, from those who only take their vehicle to official workshops to those who trust a traditional multi-brand workshop more.

It’s up to you to decide, but what you should always keep in mind is that, as a general rule, you shouldn’t believe everything they tell you, because no one is safe from meeting mechanics who don’t have the necessary professionalism.

Hence our best wishes and good luck in choosing the mechanical workshop.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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