Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 5:53 pm
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The National Rally wants to prohibit the hiring of a foreigner in the event of a French request

Reserving jobs for the French: this promise has been a prominent part of the programme of the National Front, which became the National Rally (RN), for more than forty years. “One million unemployed means one million more immigrants! France and the French first!”It has been a sign of Jean-Marie Le Pen’s troops since 1978. Since then, his daughter Marine has taken over the reins and changed the name of the far-right party, without giving up the application of the “national preference” to the world of work. “The French are at homejustified, in 2021. Employers should be allowed to give priority access to employment to a French person. »

If the RN has been proposing this measure for a long time, its promoters have never explained discrimination in hiring as much as during the start of the 2024 school year. The RN program brochure intended for companies, presented on September 14, does not contain a principle to remember: “Apply national priority, with equal skills, for all positions to be filled in France.” The document specifies the terms of application, intended for employers: “It will be necessary to include nationality among the criteria for choosing a candidate, knowing that the rule of nationality is already applied in a large part of the state civil service. » The RN specifies in its brochure that the hiring of foreigners would not be permitted. “naturally” not prohibited with respect to“foreigners with rare skills necessary for the prosperity of the French economy”.

In 2017, Marine Le Pen wanted to promote the hiring of French people by creating a “additional tax on any new foreign employee contract”. An idea enshrined in a bill presented in January by Oise MP Alexandre Sabatou, signed by almost all RN MPs, aimed at increasing employer contributions relating to the employment contract of a foreigner, excluding European Union (EU) nationals.

Reverse logic

The aim of the far-right party is no longer to discourage, by increasing the cost of labour for a non-EU worker, but to coerce, by introducing a criterion of nationality when opening each private job. “If qualifications are equal, employers must hire French people, not foreigners”sums up Jean-Philippe Tanguy, author of the economic programme. The MP for Somme confirms the obligation of the “national priority”A French person who considers himself disadvantaged during the contract would benefit from a form of “enforceable right”. “The administration will not investigate all hiringthe parliamentarian specifies. But a person can take legal action for discrimination if he or she believes that a foreigner has been unfairly recruited in his or her place. The employer must prove that no French person has volunteered.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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