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HomeLatest Newsthe natural homemade fertilizer that makes your plants bloom quickly

the natural homemade fertilizer that makes your plants bloom quickly

He pass It is a key element for plant growth and health. Over time, the soil loses some of its fertility due to continued soil absorption. minerals and nutrients by plants. This is where fertilizer plays a crucial role, as it helps restore the nutritional balance necessary for plants to continue to flower and grow properly. The main components that plants need are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, but they also need other minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron, which help them maintain their vigor and improve their photosynthetic capacity.

A good fertilizer not only promotes the growth of strong roots and healthy foliagebut also improves the structure of the soil, making it more spongy and able to better retain moisture. In addition, it promotes microbial activity that breaks down the organic matter and transforms the available elements into forms that can be assimilated by plants. For this reason, it is essential to use an appropriate fertilizer, preferably homemade and natural.

The Best Homemade Fertilizer for Plants to Thrive

In the home, plants are not just a decorative element; they fulfill important environmental functions such as produce oxygenretain moisture and regulate temperature. To keep them healthy, it is essential to pay attention to factors such as irrigation, light, substrate and nutrients. A vital element of their well-being is chlorophyll, a pigment that enables photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy.

When a plant loses its green color, it may be due to a lack of chlorophyllFortunately, gardeners have discovered that they can create a homemade fertilizer based on this pigment, which improves the plants’ ability to absorb sunlight, promoting vigorous growth and increasing their resistance to disease.

Additionally, chlorophyll contains magnesium, a nutrient essential for the formation of new chlorophyll moleculesstrengthening the cellular structures of plants. It also improves soil quality by promoting the activity of microorganisms that decompose organic matter.

To do this, collect the green leaves of the trees that retain their color throughout the year, mix them with water, filter the resulting liquid and heat it in a bain-marie for a few minutes. Use this mixture to water your plants every 15 days. This fertilizer increases the production of chlorophyll and, in addition, improves soil structure and increases plant defenses against disease and environmental stress.

Other Homemade Fertilizers Recommended by Gardeners

The use of Homemade fertilizers and fertilizers It has many advantages over synthetics. First, they are healthier for plants and the environment and allow the reuse of waste that would otherwise be thrown away.

On the other hand, the synthetic fertilizers They contribute to climate change and can cause pollution of water, soil and rivers. In addition, their concentration of minerals can harm plants and soil quality if used in excess.

Among the organic alternatives, the fireplace ashwhich provides potassium and calcium carbonate. However, it should not be applied to alkaline soils or near acid-loving plants. Another very popular remedy among gardeners is vinegar, which, thanks to its acetic acid, is beneficial for plants that require acidic soils. There is also worm castings, an exceptional natural fertilizer that improves the health of plants. Although it occurs naturally in forest soils, it can be made at home using a worm composter.

On the other hand, the rice grains They are rich in potassium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. Its application consists of letting the rice rest in water, then draining it and watering it every two weeks. Potato peelings, rich in potassium and phosphorus, can be boiled and used weekly as fertilizer during flowering.

Similarly, the banana peelsRich in potassium, magnesium and iron, it can be boiled to create a powerful fertilizer. Surprisingly, non-alcoholic beer is a rich option in nitrogen, an essential nutrient for plants, although it also contains other minerals in smaller amounts.

It’s as simple as diluting half a bottle of beer 0.0 in a five-litre jug with low-calcareous water and use this mixture to water plants, especially outdoors, as it can leave a slight odour. For indoors, it is preferable to use other natural fertilisers.

On the other hand, lentils contain phytic acid, which acts as a plant hormone that promotes rooting. The water resulting from soaking lentils overnight can be used as fertilizer, ideal for Newly planted urban orchards and gardenspromoting the development of healthy roots. Finally, onion peels are antifungal and antibacterial, perfect for strengthening plants, they can be macerated in water to obtain a gentle and natural fertilizer.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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