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HomeBreaking News“The negligence that blocked Begoña’s appeal must be subject to exemplary punishment”

“The negligence that blocked Begoña’s appeal must be subject to exemplary punishment”

The executive president and director of EL ESPAÑOL, Pedro J. Ramirezparticipated this Tuesday in the Telecinco program gathering The critical look to analyze the current political situation, marked by the General State Budgets that the Government has not yet presented and by the error of the courts which prevented Begoña Gómez’s appeal from being resolved this Monday.

Pedro J. Ramírez described “shame” the error that forced the Provincial Court of Madrid to postpone its deliberation on the advisability of filing the “Begoña case”.

“The courts of Plaza Castilla must immediately clarify what happened and clarify responsibilities. The negligence that blocked Begoña Gómez’s appeal must be subject to exemplary sanction. I formally request that there have a clarification of the responsibilities of the manager”, requested the director of EL. ESPAÑOL.

What happened is that the magistrates of section 23 of the Provincial Court, who were to meet this Monday to make a decision, did not receive all the documentation requested to make the decision. Concretely, the appeal of the accused herself, the wife of the President of the Government, Begoña Gómez, was missing.

“It caused harm to a person who was seeking protection, Begoña Gómez, but it could have happened to any of us. We cannot assume that what is usual is normal,” he said. insisted.


The director of this newspaper also denounced in The critical look that the Government does not respect the “constitutional obligation” to present the General State Budgets (PGE) to the Cortes “at least three months before the expiration of those of the previous year”, according to the article 134 of the Constitution.

“Where is the budget plan, gentlemen of the government?” asked Pedro J. Ramírez. “It is a constitutional obligation. A rule of law is characterized by respect for the laws. The government can promote laws and Congress approves them. Today all of Spain should wait to see what they present . Maria Jesus Montero with the housing of the PGE project”, he underlined.

El director de este diario ha lamentado que no se puede “aceptar que algo que se está convirtiendo en peligrosamente habitual sea normal”. “La Constitución impone pocos mandatos expresos y este es uno de ellos. En los Presupuestos van los impuestos. No se puede gobernar al margen del Congreso”, ha subrayado.

Pedro J. Ramírez ha instado al presidente del Gobierno, Pedro Sánchez, a presentarse a una moción de confianza. “Hay dos legitimidades que confluyen en un gobierno parlamentario: la legimitidad que se consigue con una investidura y la legitimidad que se mantiene mediante el respaldo de las cámaras a las políticas de un ejecutivo. Ese respaldo no existe en estos momentos”, ha recordado. 

Al normalizar que el Gobierno no vaya a cumplir el artículo 134 de la Constitución, tal y como informa EL ESPAÑOL, “seguiremos deslizándonos por la peligrosa senda de hacer de la ley papel mojado”, ha lamentado Pedro J. Ramírez. 

“Si empezamos a amortizar preceptos legales esenciales, nuestro Estado de derecho y nuestra convivencia seguirá deteriorándose”, ha advertido. 

Medios de comunicación

Sobre el Plan de Acción por la Democracia del Gobierno, que pretende luchar contra la desinformación e impone medidas sobre los medios de comunicación, Pedro J. Ramírez ha vuelto a lamentar que Sánchez “quiere expropiar a los ciudadanos de parte de sus derechos fundamentales”. 

“No necesitamos que el Gobierno nos proteja de nada [a la prensa]. There have always been good and bad journalists, or even good and bad newspapers. Hoaxes have spread with the speed of gunpowder in all moments of public life. and in most cases they have nothing to do with the media,” said the director of EL ESPAÑOL.

“Just look at the top 10 newspaper, television or radio audiences. Where are the pseudomedia? The fact that there are rather small newspapers with low standards in the exercise of informative responsibility, does not mean that they authorize the government to legislate extensively to restrict, mind you, not the freedom of the media, but the freedom of citizens.




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