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the new “app” to connect shelves

THE new flirting trend at Mercadona has made supermarkets the new meeting place for singles, especially between 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. It all started with a viral video of the Spanish actress and comedian Vivy Lin on TikTok, and the practice has since grown in popularity. Singles place an upside-down pineapple in their cart to signal that they’re looking for a partner. Then, they have to bump their cart into other potential matches who are also carrying an upside-down pineapple.

This strategy also has nuances according to age, with specific areas of the supermarket recommended for different age groups: frozen section for young people aged 19 to 25, the fishmonger for those aged 25 to 40, and the wine section for those over 40. In recent days, this trend has gone viral and has generated many memes on social networks. In addition, the phenomenon has transcended Portugal, where it is also starting to go viral on TikTok and X. The flirting trend on Mercadona has been a innovative marketing method for supermarkets, while introducing a new and unique method to find a partner in real life.

The new fashion of “flirting” at Mercadona

@bauldemarketing #greenscreen Tinder joins and goes to Mercadona: The dating app goes to the flirt supermarket 🍍 #ligar #mercadona #tinder #supermercado #piña ♬ original sound – Patri GG | Malle marketing

When comedian Vivy Lin posted a video on social media to explore whether there was a specific time frame for dating at Mercadona, it sparked a wave of interest and speculation. The idea, which came from a quote from the show “First Dates,” suggests that between 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. at Mercadona is the best time to find a partner. Lin and her friend explored the concept, joking about how a cart with certain products could indicate romantic intentions.

The viral phenomenon revealed an unofficial code for flirting at the supermarket. Putting an upside down pineapple in the cart has become the main symbol to show that you are looking for a romantic connection. If another person is also carrying an inverted pineapple, it is considered a signal to make a match.

Additionally, the products in the cart give clues about the type of relationship being sought. Lentils suggest an interest in a serious relationship, while lettuce or pre-cooked pizza indicate a more casual relationship. Carrying a melon in the cart is a sign of looking for a lasting relationship. This trend, which started as a joke, has been adopted and adapted by many people on social media.

That’s what psychology says

Viral fads like this are phenomena that exploit the human tendency to follow popular behaviors. This phenomenon illustrates the conformity theory and social influence, where people imitate what they consider new.

The idea of flirting with a pineapple This may seem surprising and unconventional, which attracts attention and motivates people to participate. This unusual and striking behavior is linked to a need for authenticity in an environment saturated with conventional commercial messages.

In cultural terms, such phenomena reflect a tendency to break norms. By interacting creatively with an everyday object like a pineapple, you add an element of playful and originalThis trend also responds to a search for authenticity and differentiation in a world saturated with advertising and conventions.

Participate in viral trends It can be a form of self-expression and a way to connect with others who share similar interests. The humor and creativity of such activities provide a sense of belonging and personal satisfaction, providing an entertaining way to capture attention in a stimulating environment.

flirting in publicas in supermarkets, can be understood from various psychological perspectives. Proximity theory suggests that people are more likely to bond with those who are physically close.

THE public spaces They facilitate casual encounters and interactions, making encounters in these contexts more natural. Additionally, approach strategies in public places may be influenced by the desire to be perceived positively. In these environments, the presence of others may increase pressure to act appropriately and avoid rejection.

Flirting in public spaces is also associated with authenticity. In less formal environments, such as a supermarket, interactions can feel more authentic and spontaneous. This environment can facilitate openness and comfort during the dating process, in contrast to more structured environments that can generate anxiety.

Finally, this way of looking for a partner can help you deal with rejection in a less personal way. In a busy environment, rejection can seem less impressivesince the focus is on the general environment rather than the specific interaction. This dynamic contributes to the perception that encounters in public places are less intimidating and more accessible.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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