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the new DGT regulation to know

Among the ministerial decrees, some of the regulations that have caused the most surprise are those that regulate the road awareness and rehabilitation courses for license or permit holders who have partially or completely lost their points.

A complete overhaul of all this has been done after the 20 years since the points card.

What training is required to obtain a driving license?

New driving license.

Regarding this topic, the Traffic and Road Safety Act What he did was establish two types of courses: one for partial recovery of points and the other for recovery of the license or driving license.

In the first case, their duration is ten hours, where seven are for the common part: four will be dedicated to general training, one is a group dynamic provided by psychologist-trainers, another to victim testimonies and the last hour will have variable content.

This time devoted to group dynamics has increased because it is considered that students have a better internalization of the messages, while the participation of victims will be established in a mandatory manner.

What new measure did the DGT issue today?

The partial recovery courses for driving license points will last 10 hours of lessons compared to 12 currently This will get you 4 points.

Having been reduced by two hours, the specific part that is done individually is simplified and, depending on the driver’s profile, it will be possible to follow it online.

What is the reason for this reduction in teaching hours?

The reason for this reduction is related to the upcoming approval of safe and effective driving courses that will allow the recovery of points and will be more practical in nature, according to what they told EFE. sources of the General Directorate of Traffic.

The remaining three hours until the ten hours are completed are intended for specific training, which will be individualized according to the driver’s delinquent profile and which can be followed online by distance learning or in a virtual classroom.

New profiles will be established that will be linked to distractions or reckless behavior of motorcyclists, but in the same way with speed, alcohol or even drugs.

What does the driving course consist of?

With this route, it will be possible for the pilot to recover four points, without being able to obtain more than what he lost.
This cannot be done once every two yearsexcept for professional drivers who will be able to do it once a year, a frequency that has not changed.

Regarding the changes to the license recovery course, the duration will be at least twenty hours compared to the current twenty-four: sixteen will be for the so-called common part (nine for general training, four for group dynamics, one for a victim and two with variable content).

Is it mandatory to take the road course to obtain a driving license?

The so-called specific part lasts four hours, which is individualized according to the offender profile that each driver has.

The General Directorate of Traffic itself reminds that drivers who were able to follow the course will be required to follow the course. lose points balance and that they have been convicted and deprived of the right to drive. In addition, they will have to pass an exam to get their driving license back.

The Ministry’s order will come into force on November 4, and courses developed before that date will be governed by the regulations in force at the time they begin. Let’s not forget that there are currently more than nine hundred centers, within the DGT itself, that are responsible for teaching these courses.

The need to raise awareness

We believe that these types of courses are very necessary for drivers who do not comply with the regulations and help to raise awareness of what is happening, beyond fines and penalties.

Often we only think about punishmentswhether in points or money, but the truth is that they intend to be a deterrent measure that seeks to avoid more serious consequences, since every year there are many deaths and serious injuries due to recklessness.

We are therefore faced with courses that, without a doubt, have a positive effect on this type of driver and that will continue to be fundamental in the strategy of the General Directorate of Traffic.

So you know that from now on there will be these changes that will seek to improve even the positive numbers that these courses already have in terms of driver awareness.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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