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HomeEntertainment NewsThe new government “must negotiate” with the National Assembly, recalls Yaël Braun-Pivet

The new government “must negotiate” with the National Assembly, recalls Yaël Braun-Pivet

The new government “must negotiate” with the National Assembly, believes Yaël Braun-Pivet

“This government must negotiate, it must negotiate with the National Assembly”“This is the case,” said Yaël Braun-Pivet on BFM-TV and RMC on Tuesday morning. In response to the statements of the new Minister of the Interior, Bruno Retailleau, who considered, on TF1 on Monday, resorting to the regulatory route, the President of the National Assembly recalled that deputies must be “previously consulted”.

“I will be very attentive to this. Parliament will not be left out. I understand that the Government respects Parliament in all its prerogatives and therefore involves it in the development of the policies it wishes to pursue.”

“The National Assembly is never the problem. The National Assembly is the solution”he insisted. On Europe 1 and CNews, Mr. Retailleau repeated on Tuesday that “did not refrain from taking, in particular by means of regulations, a series of measures”.

METROme Braun-Pivet, former chairman of the Legal Commission, also warned the Interior Minister against his idea of ​​systematizing the execution of short sentences. “If it is a matter of imprisoning these people in overcrowded detention centres with 180% occupancy, it will not work”warned. Mr. Retailleau spoke on TF1 on Monday afternoon against “non-enforcement of judgments”. “We need to build prisons. This is not my field, but I will speak about it very freely with Didier Migaud”the new Keeper of the Seals, declared Mr. Retailleau.

Questioned about the relationship between Didier Migaud and Mr. Retailleau, Mme Braun-Pivet recalled that “Justice and the police are areas that are closely linked.” “Justice is not lax, it has never been as severe as it is today.” Regarding Bruno Retailleau’s announcement to refer a “rebellious” deputy to the prosecutor, Mme Braun-Pivet assured that this elected official “is not above the law”.

He also expressed his desire to continue the examination of the texts interrupted by the dissolution of the Assembly in June, evoking “the agricultural programming law”or even “the law on the end of life”.

“It is a text that the French are waiting for and I therefore hope that it will be re-examined in the National Assembly before the end of the year. We are ready, the text is ready and we must go.”M. assuredme Braun-Pivet.

The MP Olivier Falorni (aligned with the MoDem), who chaired the parliamentary debates on the bill, presented on Monday a proposal that largely reproduces the content of the interrupted bill, signed by 166 deputies. But several members of the Republican government strongly opposed the text.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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