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The new head of government, challenged to compose his government, receives the republican leaders

Cover image: New Prime Minister Michel Barnier and his predecessor Gabriel Attal during the handover ceremony at the Hôtel de Matignon in Paris on September 5, 2024. Stéphane de Sakutin / AFP

Also presenting this live performance: Anna Villechenon, Marie Pouzadoux.

  • Emmanuel Macron appointed former right-wing minister and European Commissioner Michel Barnier as Prime Minister on Thursday 5 September, 60 days after the second round of legislative elections resulted in a hung National Assembly, sparking anger on the left but a more wait-and-see opinion on the National Rally.
  • The new Prime Minister, who will have the support of the presidential camp and LR, but without a majority, will have to try to form a government capable of surviving parliamentary censure, in order to put an end to the most serious political crisis since 1958.
  • During his transfer of power from Gabriel Attal to Matignon, the new Prime Minister promised “changes and ruptures”, showing his desire to “more action than words” and of “tell the truth” sure “financial and ecological debt”.
  • To achieve this, he felt that “it will require a lot of listening” and “I respect all the political forces that are represented” in Parliament, without excluding the National Rally, which holds the keys to a possible censure of his government.
  • A tacit green light. After having torpedoed the candidacies of Bernard Cazeneuve and Xavier Bertrand, the National Rally did not veto that of Michel Barnier, appointed in Matignon and already under pressure from the far-right party that “He will judge according to the evidence”. The new prime minister “seems to meet at least the first criterion we ask for, that is, someone who is respectful of the different political forces”Marine Le Pen reacted as soon as the Elysée announced her choice.

To go deeper

To watch our live stream starting Wednesday, Click here.

Portrait. Michel Barnier, a man of consensus in Matignon

Narrative. Michel Barnier in Matignon, or the funny victory of the right

Podcast. Why Michel Barnier was chosen by Emmanuel Macron for Matignon

Decoded. Michel Barnier in Matignon: the left promises to censure the new prime minister, without “political legitimacy”

Decoded. The National Rally gives Michel Barnier a chance: “We will judge by the evidence”

Decoded. Michel Barnier’s appointment: what are the next steps on the timetable?

Decoded. In Brussels, Michel Barnier is seen as a “A convinced European”Despite his previous comments against Community law

In graphics. Appointment of Michel Barnier, 73 years old: the oldest prime minister of the Fifth Republic succeeds the youngest


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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