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The new life of Irene Virón, the best in her region in the 2024 Selectivity: her great future

In June, Irene Viron Najera He did not expect to become the highest scorer in his community during the 2024 Selectivity “My friends told me ‘.You’re the one who’s going to appear in the newspapers‘”, the young woman told EL ESPAÑOL. They were not wrong.

The young woman obtained a 9.95 at EBAU and excellent at Baccalaureate This allowed him to become the student from La Rioja with the highest grade in the entire community. “Everyone around me was amazed, we are all very happy,” said Irene. The young woman attributes the key to her note to organize yourself throughout the course: “During the course I studied a lot, but I also went to the gym and got my C1 in English. If you organize yourself well, you have time for everything.”

With this grade, the doors were practically opened to any career and university in all of Spain. That is why Irene chose the career of her dreams and chose to study Mathematics + Business Administration and Management (ADE) in the Polytechnic University of Valenciawhere the said race ended with a threshold of 13,175.

A new course

Now Irene begins a new step in your life after a summer during which he claims to have had a positive experience: “I rested after preparing the whole course for the selectivity and I traveled with my friends and family.” With all that behind her, the young woman must face it first year of university.

Irene not only has to start a new educational cycle but also face new challenges such as separating from her family and reside in a new city like Valencia. “First of all it costs a littleespecially for I’m separating from your family, but there are people like that and with I am enchanted by the city” said the young woman.

However, the young woman assures I don’t have many problems adapting to this new environment, partly because he moved to a residence where he lives daily with dozens of students.I arrived at the residence and met people in a similar situation, “Everything is fine for now,” Irene said.

Regarding her classes, Irene can’t say much because she has just started the course, but if anything He is clear about the enthusiasm he feels to begin delving into his subjects.. “I started the course today and I can’t wait to get started now and see the content,” said the young woman from Riojan.

New university students

This month of September marked the beginning of a new school year in the different universities of Spain and a large part of them start classes in the second week of the month.

Last academic year 2023-24, from the 245,956 new entry places were offered, 227,975 were occupied. This means that approximately 93% of the places offered were occupied. This Of course, the numbers are expected to be similar. Although in careers such as medicine, the government has announced an expansion of 1,548 places with an investment of 23 million euros.

On the other hand, in communities like Galicia, This will be the first course where registration will be free.“This measure implies that all public education in Galicia, from the youngest to university students, will be free,” said the president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, in a statement on his social networks.




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