La Línea de la Concepción (Cádiz) has launched a new sign in front of schools. ‘A little kiss already juí’ is the motto that can be read there. Raquel Ñeco, councilor for Urban Mobility of the city, explained its meaning: “One minute is the time the child has to open his door, take the backpack and enter the school which is less than a meter from the car. This way they hear avoid crowds of cars which are formed when entering and leaving schools.
This new indication replaces ‘Kiss & go’an unpopular anglicism. The parents noticed this and are grateful: “Something had to be done, because this morning it’s a very big pechá” said a mother.
In Galicia it is also used under the motto ‘Bico e vai’which, as Marta Veleiro, director of the Pío XII school in Santiago de Compostela, indicates: “One kiss and I’m leaving”. In this way, the custom of parents to accompany their children to the door of the classroom, which, until last year, when it was installed, caused up to three rows of parked cars. In fact, Veleiro assured that “my perception is that traffic has decreased since we have these areas.”
Likewise, in cities like Esparreguera (Barcelona) it is used under the title of ‘Petó et adeu’, although in this case they renounce four minutes and is combined with other traffic calming measures. Alfons Puche, councilor for security, civil protection and mobility of the city, said that “the feedback we receive from citizens is that works and improves road safety at school entry and exit times.