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The news that will please millions, the tasks ahead of us – ANALYSIS of “Caspi”.

President Ilham Aliyev In his speech at the first session of the newly elected parliament, he again mentioned the tasks facing Azerbaijan. He noted that it is necessary to strengthen our country, educate young people in the spirit of patriotism and improve the social well-being of the population.

The Milli Majlis held its first meeting with a new composition after the extraordinary elections. President Ilham Aliyev, who participated in the event following his tradition, in his speech to the legislative body announced the main objectives and tasks of Azerbaijan, which has regained its independence and sovereignty.

“Caspian” newspaper article on the subject.

Increase in military power

One of the main tasks defined by the Head of State is to increase the military power of Azerbaijan. “Although the Second Karabakh War and the anti-terrorist operation are behind us, the processes occurring in the world, new conflicts, the creation of war zones and the increase in tension around us, at the same time, the trends of the Revanchism in Armenia forces us to constantly pay attention to this area. Without our military power, we will never be able to succeed at any level, neither economic nor political”, – said the President.

In fact, when we look at the processes and events taking place in our region and around us, we witness once again how important this task is. No peace agreement has yet been signed between Azerbaijan and Armenia, which could be a guarantee of stability in the region. Territorial claims against our country remain in Armenian legislation. Yerevan is rapidly arming itself. In Armenia, the policy of reviving the spirit of revanchism is carried out by creating conditions for the free activity of the remnants of the separatist regime. Of course, to eliminate this threat you need a strong army.

“We are willing to give any answer”

What steps is our country taking in this direction? The Supreme Commander-in-Chief gave the answer, at least partially, to this question in his speech in parliament. He said that during the period after the Second Karabakh War, we have considerably increased our military strength. During the last period, new armed units were created and the number of Special Forces increased:

“Other special armed units have been created and training is carried out day and night. The combat capability of our army is increasing, equipment supplies are and will be provided at the required level. Armenia and any country behind it should know this No It will be possible to speak to each other in the language of blackmail and ultimatums. We are ready to give any response, we are capable of doing so and we must always be prepared for it.

The Azerbaijan Fifth Anniversary International Defense Exhibition “ADEX-2024” and the 14th International Security, Protection and Rescue Equipment Exhibition “Securex Caspian”, held these days in Baku, once again demonstrate our military power to the world. Today more than a thousand military products are manufactured in Azerbaijan. The main goal in the development of the national military industry is to reduce foreign dependence and occupy a worthy place in the world arms market.

Azerbaijan is also taking practical steps to increase its air force. Thus, these days at the Heydar Aliyev International Airport, the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Ilham Aliyev, received a modern, light, all-weather, multi-purpose day and night “JF-aircraft” were presented 17C” (Block-III).

Educated and patriotic youth.

We would not be wrong if we say that the increase in our military power begins with the full provision of border security and ideological security. Among the tasks defined by the Head of State, these two directions require special attention. Preventing the young generation from falling under the ideological influence of some foreign forces that threaten our national interests and preventing calls that create this threat in time means preparing strong and professional military personnel who grow in the spirit of patriotism. As the Supreme Commander-in-Chief stressed, it is necessary to educate such a young generation, who has knowledge and education, and who is attached to the Homeland. You should not succumb to external influences, you should be proud.

Restoration of liberated areas.

It goes without saying that one of the most important tasks facing the State of Azerbaijan today is the restoration of territories free from occupation and ensuring the dignified return of former internally displaced persons to their countries of origin. To achieve this, important work has been carried out in the last four years. As President Ilham Aliyev also stressed, the amount planned to be spent in this direction after the war until the end of this year is 19 billion manat:

“Most of the funds have been spent on infrastructure projects. At the same time, work is underway for the return of formerly displaced persons, and more than eight thousand formerly displaced persons have already settled in Karabakh and eastern Zangezur, and their number will increase every month and every year.”

News that will please millions

Another important task that our State faces is to continue improving the social well-being of the population. The President announced the decisions that will also please citizens in this regard. He noted that in the last five years the minimum wage in Azerbaijan has multiplied by 2.7 and the minimum pension by 2.5:

“I must also inform you that an instruction has already been given that the minimum wage and minimum pension will increase again starting next year.”

As can be seen, Azerbaijan, which has fully restored its independence and sovereignty, systematically fulfills the tasks entrusted to it. We have both the economic power and the political will to do it. The steps we take towards the objectives on the defined path are based on a solid foundation, strong political will and independent policy. This is the reality of modern Azerbaijan.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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