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The number of unemployed people who have been unemployed for more than two years in Cordoba has fallen by another 6% and totals 16,179.

Employment in the province come note positive indicatorsDespite the slowdown in economic growth, with a recovery from the Covid crisis less strong than expected, the war in Ukraine appeared as a destabilizing factor, even if there were others subsequently.

Last ‘Cordoba Labor Market Report‘ with indicators 2023carried out by the SEPE (State Public Employment Service), shows another element of improvement. One of the groups most affected by unemployment, that of citizens who accumulate more than two years without get a jobhe re-registered decline last year. Today, it remains, by far from the others, the largest group of unemployed in the province.

In Cordoba, to this day 31 of December of 2023they registered 16,179 unemployed that they have accumulated more 730 days without finding a job, according to the study. A large number of citizens find themselves in a difficult economic situation, which is a great gateway to social exclusion.

Yes, they are. 1,041 less that when he said goodbye 2022 (17.220). This implies that this group of unemployed people has experienced a decrease of 6%.

Of every three long-term unemployed people registered in the province, two are women, according to a state report.

Its decline exceeded by two points that experienced by all unemployed people in the province (-4.1%). It should be noted that Not everyone who leaves the unemployment rolls does so that to have found A jobAmong the victims, for example, there will be retirees or emigrants.

To better understand the decline of the group of very long-term unemployed (those who go more than two years without finding work), we must look back. In this journey into the past, the first thing to indicate is that this is the second consecutive downhill exercise of the figure of components of this cluster of unemployedOf course, the 2023 figure was very far from the 2022 figure, where the interannual decline was 15.1%.

This is the most significant drop in the last decade among those who suffer most intensely from the impact of this socio-economic scourge. It must be taken into account that 2022 was a year of continued recovery from recession of the corona virus and that this group comes from a two-year period of increase: in 2021 – there was an increase that approached 2%, despite the fact that at the general level there was a decrease of 18.3% – and in 2020, when the pandemic broke out. That is, there was a good chance that this profile of unemployed people would experience a resounding decrease.

A decade of decline

If the magnifying glass is placed on the whole last decadewas a marked period for the descents among those who had been registered with employment agencies for more than 730 days looking for a job. Indeed, this period was marked by the recovery cycle that followed the long financial crisis that began in 2008.

In 2014in the early stages of emerging from the aforementioned recession, to start what would be a six-year period of falls of the number of very long-term unemployed. conclusion of 2013 -which translated into a year-on-year increase of 6.1%-, in the province there was 22,615 people that No They had managed to find a occupation for more than two yearsThe economy was gaining strength and this group was losing weight until reaching, at the end of 2019, 15,966 Cordobans.

But the Covid crisis HE led forward that positive evolution. The year 2020 ended with 19,939 unemployed people in this very complicated situation. They were almost four thousand more than 365 days ago, so the growth rate was close to 25%. And in 2021, this group continued to strengthen, even though the economy improved. At the end of this year, 20,282 people had not worked for more than two years (+1.7%). As reported, this negative biennial exercise he broke the resounding decline of 2022.

The decline in the number of unemployed people who have not worked for more than two years is two points higher than the total number of unemployed people

back to 2023THE the improvement obtained has its “b” side where the burden of those who suffer the longest from this scourge on all those affected by it continues to be very great. Of the 60,093 unemployed that Cordoba represented last day of last yearthey assumed that 26.9%.

HAS a lot of distanceTHE second group with the most members: this is the number of Cordouans who spent between a month and a quarter without finding work. There were 10,242 of them, or 17% of the total number of unemployed registered in this region.

Among the just over 16,000 very long-term unemployedThe work of the SEPE allows us to glimpse some dominant features. Among them, they are clear majority THE women. In Córdoba, two out of three unemployed people in this situation are women. In constant figures, at the end of last year, 10,684 women were registered in this very complex work scenario. The number of men who spent more than 730 days without finding a job was 5,495 (the remaining 34%). And the presence of women in this group was even higher than that of the unemployed group. At the end of 2023, there were 37,159 women looking for work, their weight in the world unemployed population was therefore almost 62%.

SEPE Alert

Another profile portrait of the unemployed of very long duration of the province is that it is fundamentally someone over 45 years old. Of all the people who were in this situation when they were laid off last year, 12,601 were in this category. In other words, they represented 77.9% of this group.

AND we particularly notice the presence of the subgroup of those who have 60 years and over. According to the latest available data, 4,165 people in this age group spent more than two years without finding a job. They represented 25.7% of all very long-term unemployed.

If unemployed people and women aged 45 already have difficulty finding work, when they have been out of the labour market for a long time, their chances of accessing it decrease. In fact, This report issues a resounding warning in this regard.. To do this, we start with a key piece of information. As of December 31, 2023, there were 25,410 long-term unemployed people in the province (those who have not found work for more than a year). They represented 42.3% of all those counted.

In 2023, the report states, people registered as job seekers in the province signed 40.4% of registered contracts. Well, the long-term job seekers They only accessed the 6.9% of linksAdded to this figure are those who had been applying for a job for less than a month: they represented 37.4% of contracts.

Are numbersunderlines this public entity, which evidence that “the job opportunities are inversely proportional At time elapsed as demanding of job” In other words, the longer you remain unemployed, the less likely you are to find a job.

The SEPE offers indicators of another group in which the impact of lack of employment is especially worrying: the one whose they didn’t find work in a period of time that is between more than 12 months and two years. By the end of 2023, there were 9,231. By the end of 2022, that number was considerably lower: 7,939. There were 1,292 more, which unemployment of this group HE raised A 16.3%.

If we take into account the criterion of the time taken to find a job, we are forced to note negatively that it is the unique collective what he experienced year-on-year increase of the number of unemployedThis is a very worrying increase, because these are people who have been unable to earn a living for a considerable period of time and who run the serious risk of seeing their lack of employment become chronic, with the serious consequences that this entails for the life of every citizen.

As stated, all other groups they experimented descents in its number of members. And the two that recorded the biggest drop – with a clear difference compared to the others – are those that had remained the shortest time stuck in the clutches of this socio-economic scourge. It best behavior those who got it They have been without work for more than a month and they had reached a quarter without him: They achieved a decrease of 11%, leaving their figure at 10,242.

Very close to this descent the group of those who accumulated remained one month or less without workThere was a decrease of 10.5% and the number of Cordovan residents who have been unemployed for such a short time now stands at 5,672.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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