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“The One Who Arrives” or “Nobody Lives Here”? Alberto Caballero is honest about which series is better

If we talk about Spanish series that have gone down in history, we could say that The one who comes And There is no one living here They hold a very special place in the hearts of many fans of the series. Both productions passed through the creative minds of the Caballero brothersAlberto and Laura. Well, curiously enough, they started their professional career as a team with the series broadcast on Antena 3. In fact, since then they have managed to carve out a niche for themselves in the industry with other series, including El Pueblo, Muertos SL And Alpha males. Various productions that have managed to be catalogued without being compared. But he did not have this chance The one who comesanother blockbuster from the brothers.

The end of There is no one living here For many, it marked the end of one of the most glorious eras in television.. But others have learned to accept the changes. The one who comesfiction with a similar structure and cast. In fact, currently, this last mentioned series is filming its 15th season, since the reception it continues to receive from the public is spectacular. For this reason, and In recent years, the public has been unable to avoid comparing the two series.. An eternal debate where there have been all sorts of opinions among the fans of the format. Of course, the creators of this audiovisual universe have never spoken out until now.

Alberto Caballero speaks in his

On social networks the debate between those who prefer The one who comes either There is no one living here could be described as endless. So, Alberto Caballero wanted to share his point of view. The creator of the fictions thus cited the comment of a viewer via his account X (formerly Twitter).

“This debate is more than closed. There is no one living here She is the mother and teacher of the Knights. The one who comes It’s a delightful series, a reinvention that continues to entertain. But #ANHQV is history, it’s nostalgia, family, an eternal series,” wrote the fan. Comments that were commented on by Caballero, who wanted to close the debate.

“My position in this recurring ANHQV/LQSA debate is the same as always: ANHQV will always be superior, we succeed in almost everything. But with LQSA, we have learned more and above all, WE ARE HAVING A BETTER TIME”wrote the creator. Very strong words with which he wanted to put an end to this controversy.

“He Who Arrives” is preparing the launch of its 15th season.

When is season 15 of The one who comes?

For now, senior production officials They have not revealed when the new episodes will be released. of The one who comes. But, given the positions adopted during its previous outings, it would be very likely that the fiction will return this November. The reason?

Well, as fans of the series know, Season 13 arrived in November 2022 and Season 14 in November 2023. It is therefore very likely that the continuation of the plot will arrive in November 2024. Of course, in the audiovisual world anything can happen, so it will be better to be attentive to any movement on the networks.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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