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The pact could be imminent

He pact between PP, PSOE, Sumar and Junts to speed up the approval of a amyotrophic lateral sclerosis law (SLA) could be imminent. The parliamentary groups, which have been negotiating very discreetly, They accelerated the negotiations in recent days and the agreement could come in a few hours, if all goes well.

He People’s Party, PSOE andTogether They presented various texts which launched the parliamentary process and it was necessary combine all positions in one. The PSOE has, for example, requested that the measures also be extended to other neurological diseases.

However, socialist sources consulted by LaSexta report that the pact is imminent. From the PPin turn, transfer to this chain that the pact It is not closed at all. If the government gives in on the five points, they say, there will be an agreement. Party leadership sources said optimistic: This, they say, is an important law for many people.

As we have been able to know, Junts confirmed its commitment to the PSOE express after seeing the text of the agreement. On the side of the pro-independence party, they claim that without them, this point would not have been reached. For their part, Sumar’s sources point out that the agreement was already imminent this Friday afternoon, but that this Saturday there are doubts within the Popular Party. However, They are confident that it will move forward.

Exactly, Friday, the National Confederation of ALS Entities (ConELA) said it was confident that the ELA law would be approved in the coming weeks, indicating that the parliamentary groups of the PP, PSOE, Sumar and Junts were about to conclude a dealAccording to the confederation, the agreed text would be the result of “intense” months of work and collaboration.

“The agreement collects most of our requestsAmong which stands out the recognition of a subjective right and the monitoring and continuation of specialized care 24 hours a day for people with advanced ALS, in the face of the avoidable death that has hit us and is hitting us so hard,” explained the president of ConELA, Fernando Martín, in statements collected by Servimedia.

Likewise, he argued that the text includes the urgent treatment of disability and dependency resolutions, as well as the expansion of the scope of the law to other groups affected by diseases or neurological processes of great complexity and irreversible evolution.




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