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“The pact with ERC is a concert like the top of a pine tree, even if they write it in Aramaic”

Pedro Sánchez committed this Friday to Emiliano García-Page that the ongoing reform of regional financing “it will be the entire system, not the common regime and a separate regime”. Although he didn’t go into detail.

For this reason the Castilian Baron-La Mancha was told not to leave “neither calmer nor less” than the meeting held at Moncloa with the President of the Government, not having been informed of the details of the Catalan quota agreed between the PSC and the ERC, which he described as “a concert like the top of a pine tree, even if they write it in Aramaic”.

Page, after talking for a little over two hours with Sánchez “in a very cordial and respectful manner” Despite his palpable disagreements, he assured reporters that he had told the president that only “there will be the possibility of finding solutions” regarding the regional financing system if the Spanish government rejects the idea of ​​”taking as a basis the proposal that comes only from Catalonia”.

During the meeting, Page also said he had “the opportunity to tell” Sánchez that Castilla-La Mancha “he will never accept the document signed between the CPS and the ERC as a basis for negotiation”since the Constitution specifies that “wealth belongs to all”. “Castile-La Mancha and an immense majority of Spain They will oppose the fact that wealth, instead of distributing it among all, begins to be divided or calculated between territories.“, he added.

“Have more than others”

The socialist leader of Castile-La Mancha also assured that it is not enough that, as guaranteed by the Government, all communities receive more money from the State, which he considered “a truism” then that the current system is outdated. for 10 years. “It’s not about having more people, which is textbook. What no one can aspire to is having more than others, which is the speech and objective of the separatists.. You can’t go through that,” he said.

In the same line, Page discussed with Sánchez the need to “liquidate” the old financing model while the new one is agreed with the participation of all communities. He recalled that Castile-La Mancha, along with Andalusia, Valencia and Murcia, are the “objectively underfunded” regions and that their needs must be met immediately through a leveling fund.

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