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HomeLatest NewsThe party did not respond to' questions about its financing.

The party did not respond to’ questions about its financing.

Pepa Millán, Vox spokesperson in the Congress of Deputies, lied this Wednesday night live, during an interview on Night in 24 hoursthe space presented by Xabier Fortes on the RTVE 24 Horas channel. The leader of the extreme right assured that, when preparing the investigative article on the financing of her party published this Wednesday by, Vox answered the questions posed by this media when in reality, they never sent these answers.

It all started when Fortes questioned Millán’s accusing the government of wanting to “gag certain journalists”, while Vox itself systematically vetoes the entry of media outlets such as or El País to the press conferences it offers in its headquarters, to electoral coverage and never answers their questions.

“I am glad that you asked me this question and that you mentioned “elDiario”, a newspaper, so to speak, that contacted us yesterday to ask us a series of questions about this subject that fascinates you both journalists and journalists. that represents the financing of Vox and the accounts of Vox. And they sent us an email precisely “eldiario” asking us about this situation. “Although we have no obligation, because we have no obligation, to respond in writing to what looks more like a police questionnaire, we have done so because we have nothing to hide and the questions posed by this newspaper have been answered point by point”, assured Millán.

The Vox spokesperson was referring to the investigation carried out by the deputy director of this newspaper, Raquel Ejerique, who stated that Vox had subsidized an increase in salaries and expenses of the Abascal foundation in 2023 while requesting bank loans.

“False information has been spread. I bring you here the email they sent us and what we responded to. This news comes out this morning and they do not publish a single line of the answers we gave. I want to know why a series of questions are answered and the next day there is no correction. We have to tell the newspapers that lie and give false information,” added Millán, referring to this media.

In reality, Vox never responded to and this was recalled live by the director’s assistant Esther Palomera, who shared a table with Millán at La noche en 24 Horas. The far-right leader, however, maintained her mendacious argument. “You can’t say things that aren’t true because you accuse us of not answering calls, questions or interviews and I have the email here, I’ll give it to you,” Millán told Palomera.

Palomera: “Mrs. Millán, you lied”

A few minutes later, the deputy director of corrected the Vox spokesperson: “The newspaper is not an email. It is an internal document that Vox itself produces. Someone informs someone within Vox, and you can read it, that a journalist from that you all know contacts Vox, with Disenso, to obtain information on the accounts of the Disenso foundation. What it says is that a journalist went to Disenso to ask questions and someone was told that the answer should be this one. This second email is never sent. Mrs. Millán, you lied, you did not send any answer. Despite the evidence, Millán has not corrected the situation.

Then, the Vox spokesperson entered into a new series of contradictions. After the fight over the responses to that never arrived, the program host asked to “close the debate.” “No, we are not going to close it because it is not true,” Millán said. “At the moment, I am directing this program and I will decide when a debate is closed or not,” Fortes replied. “I did not say that,” added the Vox leader, once again failing to tell the truth since in reality, she had said those same words a few minutes earlier.

Millán then accused RTVE of insulting Vox: “Every time they talk about us, they call us racists and fascists.” Fortes corrected him and assured him that “no editor in chief” of the public entity had called “any Vox leader” a “fascist.” And the far-right spokesman lied again: “I didn’t say fascist.” Only a few seconds had passed since he said that.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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