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The person who insulted the department head in the courtyard of the “Morgue” received a suspended sentence

The trial of Namig Rafizade (on parole), accused of hooliganism, has concluded at the Shirvan city court.

According to information obtained by, the verdict was read out at the trial presided over by Judge Aydan Mammadli.

According to the court’s verdict, he was given a suspended sentence.

According to the indictment, the incident occurred on August 16, 2023, at around 11:00 pm on the evening of August 17, 2023, in the courtyard of the Shirvan city branch of the Union of Forensic Medical Expertise and Pathological Anatomy of the Ministry of Health. Namiq Rafizadeh, who lost his brother in a traffic accident in the Hajigabul region, arrived at the said department. When he got out of his “Toyota Prius” car and tried to enter the “morgue”, the police officers told him that the door was closed and the expert had not arrived yet. Then Namig made noise and used inappropriate expressions towards Eldar Mammadov, who was temporarily acting as the head of the department. Later, he deliberately hit and broke the hinge of the rear entrance door of that department with his hand, and once deliberately crashed the car he was driving into the side of the institution. Namig Rafizadeh thus vandalized the apartment, causing a total of 280 manats worth of material damage.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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