Home Breaking News The planned deficit was reduced by one billion euros during its consideration...

The planned deficit was reduced by one billion euros during its consideration in the Senate.

The planned deficit was reduced by one billion euros during its consideration in the Senate.

The Government has revised downwards – from 16,000 to 15,000 million euros – the planned Social Security deficit for 2025 after the budget examination in the Senate, where not all the measures taken into account have yet been voted on.

Halfway through the discussion, the executive already takes stock of the debates in the Luxembourg Palace on the Social Security financing bill for 2025.

And the accounts are less bad than at the beginning: according to the amendment presented by the Government and approved by the Upper House of Parliament, “the balance” from “Secu” “This is – 15 billion euros, compared to – 16 billion initially planned”.

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An improvement of one billion euros that “takes into account the financial impact of the adopted amendments” since Monday, said Health Minister Geneviève Darrieussecq. In particular, the new “solidarity contribution”, equivalent to seven hours of unpaid work per year and which will supposedly contribute 2.5 billion euros.

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Added to this are increases in “behavioral” taxes (tobacco, soft drinks, gambling) for 500 million, and increases in taxes on “free actions” for 500 million more. The minister also welcomed a “Good news about VAT revenues”better than expected: 200 million.

“Less favorable income measures”

In the opposite direction, the Senate voted “Less favorable income measures”in particular on business contributions (1.1 billion euros), but also on the retirement fund for territorial civil servants (600 million) and apprentices (200 million).

Geneviève Darrieussecq also reported an additional expenditure of 300 million euros on health and 400 million on pensions due to the two-stage revaluation negotiated between Prime Minister Michel Barnier and the right-wing strongman, Laurent Wauquiez.

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This commitment foresees increasing pensions to half of inflation on 1Ahem January, then a second half on the 1stAhem July only for pensions below the minimum wage.

However, this measure has not yet been voted on in the Senate, where the “revenue” portion of the Social Security budget largely passed, Thursday afternoon at the end of the session, by a vote of 229 to 108. More than 350 amendments remain to be resolved. be examined in the “expenses” part on Saturday afternoon.

The world with AFP


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