The port of Pajares, which separates León from Asturias, is at red level this Tuesday evening, so it is already articulated vehicles, trucks and buses cannot circulate. For the rest, it is obligatory to use chains or winter tires and to drive at 30 km/h. This means that goods find themselves without road communication to the Principality after the closure of the AP-66 motorway last Sunday due to a landslide. Although there are other alternative routes, they are much longer, such as the Plateau highway (A-67) which connects Cantabria to Palencia or the A-6 which leads to Galicia.
The north of the province of León is on yellow alert for snow on Tuesday and Wednesday, a phenomenon generally common at this time of year but which on this occasion further complicates road communication between Asturias and the center of the peninsula after The Argayo that occurred, at kilometer 76 of the Huerna AP-66 highway, which connects the Principality to Castilla y León.
This road being completely cut, the alternative to save the mountain range is via old road N-630 with its difficult and dangerous Pajares pass in which the curves and steep slopes make it as beautiful as possible. This week we have already seen the consequences of having to return to the dreaded port to access or leave Asturias: much more traffic than usual and trucks stuck on the shoulder unable to continue pulling.
And now snow on a road that is usually closed to traffic every winter, especially for larger tonnage vehicles, which is why the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility (since it is a road public) has put its roads on alert for the winter. maintain the national road network in the best possible traffic and safety conditions in the face of forecasts of snowfall starting this Tuesday in Asturias, Cantabria and Castilla y León, more precisely in the Cordillera Cantabria and the central system. This means that the teams of personnel, snow removal machines and the collection of melting salts at their bases will be reinforced, to act as immediately as possible when necessary.
In any case, from the department of Óscar Puente it is recommended to access Asturias to avoid the N-630 and circulate on the A-67 (Meseta highway) which connects Palencia to Santander and later on the A-8, Axis Cantábrico, towards destinations in the eastern area of Asturias (Llanes, Ribadesella); as well as the route along the A-6 to Lugo to also take the A-8, towards France, to the western region of Asturias (Navia, Luarca).