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HomeBreaking NewsThe PP achieves the disapproval of Óscar Puente in Congress thanks to...

The PP achieves the disapproval of Óscar Puente in Congress thanks to the support of ERC, Junts and Podemos

He Congress of Deputies This Wednesday, he let down the Minister of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, Óscar Puente, for his “incapacity” in the management of the railway systema PP motion which was adopted with the support of Vox and three parliamentary allies of the government: ERC, Junts and Podemos.

The PSOE, Sumar, Bildu and the PNV spoke out against this disapproval, while the Canarian Coalition, the UPN and the BNG chose to abstain. Nwhere the former socialist minister José Luis Ábalos participated in the votein the Mixed Group since the outbreak of the “Koldo case”.

THE “popular” has already favored the disapproval of the minister in the Senatewhere the PP has an absolute majority and was able to censure the former mayor of Valladolid on September 25. On this occasion, they also benefited from the support of Junts and ERC.

Besides Puente’s disapproval, the Lower House also urges the government to prepare a extraordinary shock plan equipped with the necessary resources to mitigate “rail chaos” in the short and medium term, including a timetable, provincialized measures and their cost.

It is also requested to “immediately” prepare a urgent passenger care plan in the event of extraordinary incidents occurring both at stations and on railway routes, including response times from the moment of the incident.

Finally, Congress urges the Ministry of Transportation to send the above-mentioned plans to the parliamentary groups of Congress within one month and for the minister to appear at an extraordinary session of the Transportation Commission to present and debate these plans .

“The train at its best moment in history”

The deputy of PPCristina Teniente Sánchez, was responsible for defending the initiative on the platform, from where she recalled that the minister had repeatedly stated that the train lived in Spain “the best moment in its history”: “This sentence alone deserves disapproval,” he said.

Likewise, he criticized his “insensitivity” towards “suffering transport users” for the incidents that occurred in the three, while denouncing that three out of four provincial capitals have increased travel times with Puente at the ministry.

This same argument was put forward by Patricia Rueda, of Vox, who also denounced the fact that Cancellations of travel on trains “tripled” last year.

“The rail problems are increasing, the desperation of users is growing and there is no money to fix it, there is no money for infrastructure, but there is money for councilors, media satellites and ideological absurdities,” protested the Vox MP.

The PSOE gives Puente an “excellent” rating

From the PSOEAlejandro Soler apologized to users affected by any incident, but stressed, like the minister, that “the rail system is going through the best moment in the history of this country.”

Proof of this is that the socialist indicated that the high-speed rail network managed by Adif Alta Velocity exceeds 4,000 kilometers in length, being the most extensive in the world after China.

Likewise, he recalled that since the PSOE has governed, they have joined 67% more high-speed trains and 753 kilometers at high speed. “The management of Minister Puente must not be approved, “it’s for an exceptional person”underlined the PSOE deputy.

On the side of Addthe leader of En Comú integrated into the plurinational group, Félix Alonso, also apologized to users who were victims of incidents on trains, but told the PP that He doesn’t care about people who take the train every day.

The proof is, explained Alonso, that those of Alberto Núñez Feijóo recently voted against the increase in the debt ceiling of Renfe and Adif, a measure that was included in the bill aimed at creating a new authority for investigating train, ship and aircraft accidents. “Their only destiny is to reach Moncloa by destroying everything,” denounced the deputy.

From TogetherIsidre Gavín took advantage of his intervention to propose “reprimand all the ministers of the last 25 years”because a good part of the network’s problems, he says, come from the lack of investment and execution of the budgets of the previous PP and PSOE governments.

“You should be ashamed of presenting this proposal,” Gavín told the PP bench, who then denounced the “helplessness” of users when it comes to taking public transport.

The one who also criticized the PP for having defended this proposal is the deputy of MRCInés Granollers, who recalled that the governments of José María Aznar or Mariano Rajoy “did not care at all” about suburban transport or Rodalíes, because “they only cared about covering kilometers at high speed.” “It is the political party that has invested the least in transport for the working class,” he stressed.

He BNG distances itself from the PP proposal because they perceive it, declared MP Néstor Rego, as a “partisan and demagogic” campaign.

For her part, PNV deputy Maribel Vaquero criticized the use of the debate on “railway chaos” to talk about “everything that the PP wants to reproach the PSOE for.” “We don’t want to watch this game,” said Vaquero, who nevertheless believes that certain aspects of the rail system need to be improved.




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