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The PP announces a complaint against the PSOE for alleged illegal financing, corruption and influence peddling

The Popular Party will present this Monday a complaint before the Court of Instruction number 5 of the National Court against the PSOE for alleged illegal financing, corruption and influence peddling following known reports of businessmen bringing bags of money to the socialist headquarters on Calle Ferraz, Madrid. This was announced by the party’s general secretary during a press conference following the emergency meeting held this Sunday.

“Given the seriousness of the situation and the latest facts that we have learned regarding the alleged delivery of cash to the Ferraz headquarters, I announce that tomorrow (this Monday) the Popular Party will file a complaint before the investigating court number 5 of the National Court against the PSOE for allegations of illegal financing, corruption and influence peddling. “We want an unprecedented scandal to be investigated to the end,” Cuca Gamarra said.

La Popular analyzed one by one all the cases which are currently the subject of a judicial investigation and which affect in one way or another the President of the Government, his closest entourage, the PSOE and the Executive himself. Embezzlement, business corruption, embezzlement, carjacking, illegal financing… a series of crimes which, according to him, surround Pedro Sánchez, from whom he once again asked for his resignation. “Sánchez is suffocated by corruption. He is a surrounded president and the sooner he takes office and stops tarnishing the name of Spain, the better. He is the link between all open fronts of corruption. “Spain does not deserve a government president who lies to it,” he said. “No one lies and no one is silent unless they have something to hide,” insisted Gamarra, referring to the new version given by Sánchez on the incident in Barajas with the Venezuelan vice-president, Delcy Rodríguez.

“All this could be just the tip of the iceberg of a larger scandal, linked to the alleged irregular financing of the PSOE as indicated by the testimony of these bags of money delivered to Ferraz”, declared the popular, regarding the information made public by “L’Objectif” a few days ago, in which a witness claimed to have brought up to 90,000 euros in cash to the PSOE headquarters.

This testimony is what led the PP to decide to present this complaint which seeks to directly name the PSOE as an organization and not just people from the government and the party, as has happened so far. A step forward to tighten the fence a little more around Sánchez.

“We are talking about a widespread scandal due to its immediate environment, the main clan which led him to the secretary general of the PSOE and from there they arrived at the Spanish government. A scandal that affects those closest to him, his family and his brother. And we also talk about the fact that he himself has an alias in this whole corruption plot. He was considered “number one”. A plot that extended its tentacles within the PSOE and the government when Sánchez arrived in Moncloa. We now know that he not only acted during the pandemic, but that he acted before and continued after the pandemic. Authentic highways of socialist corruption, whose kilometer zero is Pedro Sánchez himself,” he insisted, while describing the president’s situation as “unsustainable.”

The silence of partners

“His situation is untenable and would have caused the fall of the government in another democracy, but instead of accepting responsibility, he attacks the media, persecutes judges and attacks the opposition,” said Gamarra, who also took targets the coalition partner. the PSOE in the Executive and the rest of the parties that support Sánchez in La Moncloa. “The silences not only affect the government, they also affect its coalition partner and those outside the coalition. “We look forward to your thoughts on the subject and what you think about everything that is happening.”

Gamarra has for the moment ruled out an imminent summons of the president to the senatorial commission, which this week will broaden the subject of the investigation to the latest known ramifications of the Delorme operation as well as the hydrocarbon affair which completed by the main land commissioner, Victor de Aldamain prison.

He also ruled out mobilization in the streets so that people could express their opinion on everything that is happening. “That’s something we haven’t addressed at the moment, when we do it will be communicated.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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