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The PP announces a complaint against the PSOE “for alleged illegal financing, corruption and influence peddling”

The political earthquake caused by the revelations of the latest UCO reports on José Luis Ábalos, the Koldo affair and the government’s relations with the Maduro regime led the Popular Party to take the decision to file a complaint with the Court of Instruction Number 5 of the National Court against the PSOE, for alleged illegal financing, corruption and influence peddling.

Cuca Gamarra, secretary general of the Popular Party, was responsible for sharing this measure with the media. “No one lies and no one stays silent if they have nothing to hide.”

The measure was adopted this morning during the meeting extraordinary and urgent of the PP Steering Committeesummoned by Alberto Núñez Feijóo. The succession of scandals, crowned by the latest UCO report to Koldo affair and above all the confirmation of the “blatant lies of the President of the Government” encouraged the leader of the opposition to stop letting time pass and take advantage of his only free day on the program to stage the reaction of the PP.

Gamarra stressed the “seriousness” of the situation, which can be described as a “national emergency”. “The situation that Spain is currently experiencing is extraordinary, due to the alleged crimes of which we are aware, of what we can now define as the Sánchez Plot.” The PP also demands the resignation of the president in the face of the cascade of revelations published in recent months by the media.

Presented Monday

The complaint will be presented this Monday before Santiago Pedraz, president of this investigating court. Gamarra spoke about “the eight highways of corruption” which have been discovered in recent years. “All these highways converge at kilometer zero. If we join all these highways, the face of Pedro Sánchez appears. He is the link between the corruption of his government, his family and his environment.”

The PP steering committee, chaired by Alberto Núñez Feijóo, met this morning.

People’s Party

With this complaint, the PP requests that an independent judicial investigation be carried out into the “revealing statements” made in recent days by EL ESPAÑOL and The objective. This was stated by Gamarra, praising the information on the confidants and relatives of the commission agent Víctor de Aldama who prove how they “carried bags of money” to Ferraz in the name of this associate of Ábalos and how “suitcases with money” remained in Ferraz. Spain after Delcy Rodríguez’s trip in January 2020.

The popular secretary general then listed the open files concerning Sánchez, his family and his government. “Businessmen carrying bags of money to the PSOE headquarters, blatant lies from the President of the Government about the arrival in Spain of a Maduro vice-president who negotiated the sale and purchase of bullion “gold with the closest entourage of the Secretary of State, Organization of Socialists, public money which pays for the support of a certain “Jessica” to the strong man of the PSOE…”.

“Never has a corruption case caught so many ministries, as if in a net,” stressed a deputy to EL ESPAÑOL, “and meanwhile, the trains of reforms that Spain needs and European funds are escaping us … yes let’s move on to a motion of censure, It will be won or not, but whoever does not vote for will present themselves“.

On the PP side, they consider that Sánchez is cornered, singled out and harassed by corruption. “You have to go.”

At the same time, the national legal coordinator of Vox, Marta Castro, appeared today at a press conference, alongside the national spokesperson of Vox, José Antonio Fúster, to explain the measures already taken by the party and the next steps he will take. the courts. “El 1” “affects more than 30 officials, his close friends, his brother and his own wife.” And it is precisely because of the “Begoña case” that the National Legal Coordinator began, where Vox exercises leadership of the Unified Popular Prosecution, in which the Court itself determined that at that time (Monday last) we could not investigate Globalia.

“Now, with this report and the new facts that appear, it is necessary to investigate the corresponding part. At that time, Globalia also obtained for the first time a lucrative contract with the Complutense University of Madrid,” he said. explain. He will therefore extend the complaint to Globalia.

He also referred to the interministerial commission, “where the details of the contracts were known and where the decision to contract with Management Solutions was taken”. And he announced that last Friday, training He extended the complaints to Salvador Illa, former health minister during the pandemic.

Vox will also request the extension of the complaint in the investigation against the Director General of INGESA and other functions of the Ministry of Health, which Vox presented in 2021. Vox will file a complaint against the former president from the Balearic Islands, Francina Armengol, for contracts in the region during the pandemic.

Regarding the Koldo affairIn the case itself before the National Court, Vox has already requested that those responsible for Globalia testify, those mentioned by Javier Hidalgo in his statement as being aware of the details of the intervention. He also requested that the businessman be declared under investigation. Ignacio Díaz Tapia, linked to the field with the company Pronalaband Portuguese companies incorporated in Elvas.

The group has already demanded that the former Minister of Transport, José Luis Ábalos, be investigated “with all procedural consequences, so that the Supreme Court admits his investigation and continues it until his trial.” Finally, the ministers participating in the commission were invited to appear in court as witnesses, Illa, Marlaska, Torres and also Armengol and, from ‘El 1’.

The National Legal Coordinator also announced that last Friday, Vox requested to appear, as a popular accusation, in the VAT case on hydrocarbons. The training will request the reopening of the “Delcy Affair”.




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