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The PP breaks off negotiations with the government on the distribution of migrant minors

The spokesperson for the Popular Party in Congress, Miguel Tellado, announced this Saturday in a press release the suspension of negotiations on migration and the distribution and reception of migrant boys and girls arriving in the Canary Islands.

Tellado, who was going to meet next Monday with the Minister of Territorial Policy, the socialist Ángel Víctor Torres, affirms that, “once known the response of the European Commission in which it is confirmed that Spain has given up requesting aid from the ” The EU, as requested by the PP, suspends negotiations until the government reconsiders and seeks community support.

The spokesperson for the Popular Parties refers to some statements made by the Minister of the Canary Islands on Friday morning, in which he stressed that it is not understandable that there are communities who say that they do not want migrant minors in their territories, but “they go to other territories of the European Union. Torres recalls in the same speech that “the Pact on Asylum and Migration, which received the favorable vote of the European People’s Party, obliges us to welcome immigrants.” The minister insists that the solution is for the autonomous communities to welcome unaccompanied minors who are currently in the Canary Islands and waiting to be referred.

The Popular Party asked the government to transmit the documentation and communications maintained between Spain and the European Commission and regrets that the conversations were leaked to the media after the government “broke its word to filter the content of the meetings of last week.” The president of the Executive of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, is informed of all this, they say.

For her part, from the PSOE of the Canary Islands, the secretary of the Organization Nira Fierro asked the PP “to stop confusing politics and possible agreements on immigration issues with hoaxes” and denied that the Spanish government rejects Europe’s aid to the islands to manage the humanitarian drama they are experiencing.

Fierro categorically denied in a statement the popular party’s accusations, according to him, “only justifiable by those who, in reality, intend to derail any possibility of agreement.”

The socialists thus alluded to the demonstrations made this Friday by the general coordinator of the PP in the Canaries, Jacob Qadri, accusing the general secretary and minister, Ángel Víctor Torres, of trying to boycott the Canaries in the management of migration. phenomenon. “They do not conform to the truth and demonstrate a real lack of institutional loyalty and political responsibility,” he said.

Fierro assured that “it is a hoax that the Spanish government, President Pedro Sánchez or Ángel VÍctor Torres reject European aid to the Canary Islands. This accusation is not true and it also looks like a deliberate attack, justifiable only by someone who actually intends to derail any possibility of an agreement.”

The socialist leader stressed that her party in the islands “has largely demonstrated that it is in favor of an agreement on this issue and that it has always followed this priority. In the Parliament of the Canary Islands, in the Cortes Generales and before the European Union: always.”

“We demand that the people regain reason and common sense. They are the ruling party in the Canary Islands and with this behavior, based on unfair accusations and completely unrelated to reality, they do not seem to be up to such responsibility.”

Despite everything, Fierro affirmed that “the Canary Islands deserve the solidarity of the rest of the communities in welcoming migrant minors who arrive on their shores and the PP must be involved in the solution, which involves making possible the reform of the immigration law. and put aside once and for all hoaxes and their partisan interests.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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