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HomeLatest NewsThe PP calls María Jesús Montero a “traitor” to the Catalan quota

The PP calls María Jesús Montero a “traitor” to the Catalan quota

The First Vice President and Minister of Finance, Maria Jesus Monteroappeared before the plenary session of the Senate this Wednesday to report on the Catalan quota that the Executive agreed with ERC and which leaves this region outside the common financing system by which the rest of the autonomous communities are governed.

Since this agreement was known, reservations have appeared within the PSOE itself and criticism from the Popular Party has been constant. An atmosphere of tension that has been increasing as the weeks go by.

That same Wednesday, the PP requested the removal from the Senate Sessions Journal of the cries of “traitor” ” said some parliamentarians of the party during the appearance of the vice-president while she explained what the single financing for Catalonia agreed with the Republicans would consist of.

The insults were recriminated at the same time by the president of the Senate, Pedro Rollán, of the PP, and after Montero’s speech, it was the PSOE that reproached this behavior, asking lower your tone.

The secretary general of the Popular Group, Javier Arenas, acknowledged that the insult of “traitor” came from his ranks and asked take it offurging the PSOE to do the same in similar circumstances.

However, what Arenas denied was that the finance minister had also been called a “scoundrel”, as suggested by the socialist Alfonso Gil. “It’s another thing that people were saying ‘what a pity'”, he said.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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