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The PP must gather candles and the government must tell what happened at the embassy

As the hours passed, the dark points of the story of the departure of Edmundo Gonzalez from Venezuela and its arrival in Spain.

And it seems increasingly evident that the PP has rushed to demand the resignation of the Jose Manuel Albares before the Minister of Foreign Affairs could explain what the role of the government was in the negotiation between the Chavista regime and the opposition leader.

Edmundo González issued a statement late Thursday afternoon in which he denies any form of coercion by the Spanish government for his departure from Venezuela. González also states in his statement that the government’s role was limited to facilitating the obtaining of permits and means necessary for his arrival in Spain, where he was granted political asylum.

EL ESPAÑOL publishes today the story of what happened at the Dutch embassy in Caracas, where Edmundo González took refuge for more than a month before moving into the residence of the Spanish ambassador.

According to what this newspaper discovered, the Dutch ambassador Robert Schuddeboom He did not let representatives of the Chavista regime enter the embassy. He also encouraged Edmundo González to resist pressure from Nicolas Maduro.

Despite this, and according to diplomatic testimonies, the Spanish government and the entourage of Edmundo González, It was the opposition leader himself who asked to be transferred to the Spanish embassy.where he wanted to negotiate without restrictions his departure from Venezuela and his arrival in Spain.

According to the reconstruction of events carried out by EL ESPAÑOL, So it was Edmundo González himself who asked to flee Venezuela and take refuge in Spain.. The statements of the last few hours would therefore be nothing more than an attempt to save face in front of the Venezuelan citizens who voted for him. Something understandable from a human point of view, but in which Spain does not deserve to be involved.

The story is in no way incompatible with the threats and coercion of the Chavista regime nor with the possible participation of the government in the operation, beyond facilitating the bureaucratic formalities for its arrival in Spain. And that is why Albares must clarify what happened at the ambassador’s residence Ramon Santos and what was the role of José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero from Edmundo González.

“If Spain had done what the PP suggests [impedir la entrada de los hermanos Delcy y Jorge Rodríguez en la residencia del embajador español]”Edmundo would be detained,” said the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The objective of the decision to give refuge to Edmundo González in the residence of the Spanish ambassador was therefore “to give him a space of security and freedom to be able to meet with whoever he wanted.”

“Spain had a complex humanitarian task, it was necessary to guarantee security and tranquility,” added Albares.

The explanation is plausible and reinforces the conviction that the PP was hasty in demanding Albares’ resignation. The accusation of Gonzalez Pons that the Spanish government is, in one way or another, involved in the “coup d’état” in Venezuela.

But this does not prevent the government, through Minister Albares, from definitively clearing up any suspicion of collusion with the regime by explaining what happened at the ambassador’s residence.

And not so much because the opposition demands it or the media demands it, but for the benefit of some Venezuelan citizens who are the big losers in this farce.




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