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The President addressed the participants at the International Forum of Ombudsmen in Baku

The International Forum of Ombudsmen on “Climate change and human rights: the role of ombudsmen and national human rights institutions” will be held in Baku on October 2.

Oku.Az President.azreports that President Ilham Aliyev addressed the forum participants.

The petition says:

“Dear forum participants,

I sincerely welcome you on the occasion of the opening of the Baku International Forum on “Climate change and human rights: the role of ombudsmen and national human rights institutions.”

You arrived in Azerbaijan in a very significant historical period for our people. A year has passed since the sovereignty and constitutional structure of Azerbaijan was fully restored, the existing “gray” zone in our territories was eliminated and separatism was ended.

As you know, for almost thirty years Armenia has occupied the lands of Azerbaijan, ignoring international law, UN Security Council resolutions and other international organizations, and has carried out ethnic cleansing there, converting more than a million of our compatriots as refugees and internally displaced persons.

Although the conflict has ended, unfortunately the serious consequences of Armenia’s thirty years of military aggression still continue, posing a great threat to people’s lives and the environment. Armenia has committed ecocide, urbicide and culturicide in our occupied territories for a long time, polluting and poisoning our lands and rivers, destroying our forests, destroying our cities and towns, as well as burying numerous mines that threaten the right of people to live here and cause serious damage to the environment. At the same time, the cultural heritage of human importance of our people was destroyed and our religious and cultural monuments were razed.

Armenia also violates its obligations under international humanitarian law and refuses to provide information on the fate of people missing in the First Karabakh War and the exact location of mass graves. Armenia should apologize for all these crimes it has committed.

For the return of our compatriots, whose basic rights were seriously violated and expelled from their countries of origin for more than thirty years, large-scale construction works are currently being carried out in our territories liberated from occupation, infrastructure and ecosystems destroyed during the occupation are being destroyed. In Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur, which have been declared “green energy” zones, new cities and towns are being built. You will visit our liberated territories and get acquainted with the vandalized places and the reconstruction and restoration works that are currently being carried out here.

Dear forum participants,

The theme of the Baku International Forum is of special relevance for all humanity. Climate change is one of the global problems that threaten the sustainable development and security of all countries. However, climate changes directly or indirectly affect not only the socioeconomic well-being of states, but also the daily lives and lifestyles of ordinary people, creating a series of serious difficulties in terms of protection and guarantee of human rights. basics.

Climate changes and their consequences deprive people of the adequate exercise of their rights to life, health, food, drinking water, housing and other rights, in addition to deepening inequality, which makes it extremely difficult to guarantee rights. of vulnerable population groups.

Azerbaijan is among the countries that pay special attention to the fight against climate change and its negative effects in accordance with the obligations arising from the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It is no coincidence that one of the five national priorities for the socio-economic development of Azerbaijan until 2030 is defined as “Country of clean environment and green growth”. In accordance with this priority, specific work is carried out in our country to improve the environment, restore and increase vegetation and ensure the efficient use of water resources and sustainable energy sources.

Azerbaijan is also a country that contributes to global climate action. It should be noted that this forum is being held on the eve of the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – COP29, which is of special importance for the entire world and will be hosted by Azerbaijan. in November of this year. Holding such a prestigious event in our country is an indication of the great respect and trust in Azerbaijan, as well as our country’s contribution to the prevention of climate change at all levels. I believe COP29 will provide an important boost to strengthen climate solidarity for a green, fair, inclusive and sustainable world.

The organization of today’s event in Azerbaijan demonstrates our country’s determination to prevent climate change and protect human rights. The forum is important in terms of discussing the problems caused by climate change and its solutions from a human rights perspective, and exchanging positive experiences in this field. I highly appreciate the existing partnership relations between ombudsmen from foreign countries and representatives of national human rights institutions involved here, and consider it important to intensify contacts for the systematic, connected and more effective establishment of future joint activities on issues of common interest that will be discussed in the forum.

I believe that the forum will contribute to the promotion of new initiatives and approaches in the field of the protection of human rights in the context of climate change, the unification of common efforts to combat situations that seriously hinder the realization of these rights, the development Partnership relations between ombudsmen and national human rights institutions and the exchange of mutual experiences and ideas will open up ample opportunities.

I wish you all the best, I wish you success in your work on the event.”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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