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“The president does not understand, we will have to tell him by all means”

The Popular Party (PP) is once again calling for people to take to the streets. On this occasion, to show their rejection of the single financing for Catalonia and the bilateral formula through which the government wants to negotiate. A call that comes after last Friday, two of its barons inaugurated the series of contacts that the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, is carrying out with all the regional leaders for “encourage dialogue” and that the popular people take advantage of it to put on the table their clear opposition to a “separatist quota”.

In fact, this Monday the PP He summoned his barons at noon in order to unite positions on regional financing. Pending the holding of this new summit on September 6 they celebrated another one with some presidential aura-, the president of the Xunta de Galicia, Alfonso Rueda, assured on Onda Cero that “they would not be disposable” the protests, considering them a “democratic chain.”

In this sense, the popular supported, in reference to the bilateral method envisaged by the Executive to modify the regional financing model, that “the President of the Government He doesn’t understand being told that it can’t be“. Given this, Rueda considers that “it will have to be told in all possible ways”, such as “with a cry in the street”.

On the other hand, the president of the Xunta also responded this Monday to the president of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Salvador Illa, after this Sunday criticized “those who demand more resources by lowering taxes”. Words that have been repeated in recent days by several socialist leaders following the exchange of criticism between the government and the opposition on the single financing for the Catalan region that the PSC agreed with ERC to invest in Illa.

In the eyes of the people “There is a very simple solution”. “Distribute the funding fairly and then everyone will know if he lowers taxes or not knowing the financing you have,” Rueda assured in an interview on Onda Cero and asked if he was one of those to whom the Catalan socialist refers. Because he, he emphasizes, is one of those who lowers taxes when he can, “with ‘sentidiño'”.

In this sense, he considered it to be a “completely absurd speech”, because “it seems that in the end getting into debt is good, But if you lower taxes, you don’t deserve funding.” However, Rueda assures that “when you lower taxes, you probably have fewer resources, but you also stimulate the economy.” Something that the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez, also pointed out to him in the meeting they had last Friday in Moncloa.

Precisely, regarding their conversation, he said that Sánchez criticized him “that there were autonomous communities that were dedicated to reducing taxes and then asked for more financing”, to which Rueda – according to him – asked that regional leaders meet and distribute “financing fairly”, through “an agreement” and so “everyone” will do what they want.

Thanks to this agreement between the autonomies, Rueda assures that the president “I agreed that we all needed to talk about it,” at the same time as he assured him that “this was compatible with a single financing”, while doing it “separately”. Something that the popular considers “difficult to understand”, since the options are: “Either we talk together or separately”.

Words that support the intentions of the rest of the barons of the Popular Party (PP), as well as its leadership. And it is from Genoa that they affirm that the way to achieve a new regional financing model – which Rueda says he wants for all regions, but Sánchez “he is not interested”– This must be done through a Conference of Presidents, that is to say, a multilateral negotiation.

A formula that the Executive rejects, because in Rueda’s eyes, they are “to reach agreements and I knew we were not going to reach an agreement on this point”In fact, according to the Galician leader after his meeting with Sánchez, the convening of this regional summit would be “imminent”, but it would focus on housing.

This is precisely the agenda that the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has conditioned his presence on his appointment to the President of the Government from Spain. A positioning that also results from his preference when it comes to talking about financing between all the communities and not bilaterally with Sánchez.

“He is very clear that he wants to respect the Catalan quota and he has tried to convince me that it is a good thing,” said the president of the Xunta on Monday about the socialist’s attitude during his conversation on Friday. A meeting he claims to have attended “institutional respect”: “If the president of your country calls you, you must go.”

Of course, Rueda does not forget to clarify and criticize the lack of specificity of the socialist when it comes to answering the regional questions that the popular tried to transmit to him. “To the president We must demand that these meetings be worth something. more,” said Rueda, who assures that his “feeling when leaving was that he was looking for a photo.”




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