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HomeBreaking NewsThe president of Melilla believes that eliminating hot returns is equivalent to...

The president of Melilla believes that eliminating hot returns is equivalent to replacing “fences” with “curtains”

The president of Melilla, Juan Jose Imbroda (PP), warned that the 10 meter high metal fences that separate Ceuta and Melilla from Morocco will no longer be necessary and that instead “hang curtains” because immigrants will now be able to enter Spain without the Civil Guard ” being able to intercept them “.

For Imbroda, this would happen if the reform of the Citizen Security Law, known as “Gag Law”and whether hot returns are prohibited at the border with the Moroccan country.

In statements to journalists, Juan José Imbroda said that “if we cannot reject at the borders of Melilla and Ceuta“, irregular immigration will be encouraged.

He expressed that this could lead to the creation of “official and formal companies, the mafias”, which would organize trips to Ceuta and Melilla from countries like Senegal and from any other country in Africa to access Spanish territory illegally.

The first authority of Melilla stated that, in this case, “we have too many fences“if immigrants cannot be rejected. Instead, he suggested they “roll up the curtains”, emphasizing that law reform “is not only a security setback, but It also encourages immigration“.

Imbroda criticized the draft reform of the Citizen Security Law published by Bildupartner of the government, for having proposed a ban on refusals at the border, “hot returns”.

He also said that, in the event of a rule change, “you already have here a factory for illegal immigrants” and urged Europe to act, noting that “the central government is encouraging this.”

The president added that Melilla and Ceuta are “penalized” by these decisions, which worsens the situation of the two cities by the simple fact of not being governed by the PSOE but by the Popular Party.

He called on European countries such as Denmark and Germany to speak out on this issue and to oppose rejection at the border, that is to say “hot returns”, if they do not want to not see irregular migrants arriving from Africa.




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