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The President of the Court of Córdoba, Francisco Sánchez Zamorano, presents “The Beats of Dawn”

This Wednesday, the Rectorate of the University of Cordoba hosted the presentation of the new book by the writer and president of the Provincial Court of Cordoba, Francisco de Paula Sánchez Zamoranotitled “The Beats of Dawn”.

This is a collection of poems published by the publisher Nova Amphorawhich is sponsored by the Cajasol Foundationthe Provincial Council, the Lucena Bar Association, the City Council of Córdoba and the University of Córdoba itself.

Sánchez Zamorano expressed his gratitude to all the participants in the event and said he was “very excited” about the large audience present. He then expressed his “satisfaction” and his “pride” in having published his book with Ánfora Nova, which he praised for its brilliant and long career of more than 35 years.

The author discussed the aims, contents and purpose of the work. He stated that “this collection of poems has its causality in a the experience happened two years ago, and which I recently relived. “I am aware that the birth of a grandsonand after a second – in the case of a granddaughter – these are existential milestones too important and too beautiful to be described without having experienced them. Because the emotional connection “between grandfather and grandson is the quintessence of purity,” he defended.

He also recited a selection of poems. Each of them was accompanied by a short introduction to contextualize it. The poems he said “contain a small educational message that advocates values ​​such as solidarity, the importance of family, love of books, affection for children.” animals or respect for Nature.

“The simplicity of a good part of the poems in this work is not a sign that it is a limited reading for children or young people, but on the contrary, we are faced with a book open to all types of readers from seven to eighty years old,” he said.

“A bibliographical gem”

On behalf of the host institution, the Rector of UCO, Manuel Torralboexpressed his satisfaction and that of the institution he represents for “the collaboration in the organization of the presentation and in the edition of the book, highlighting the fruitful relationship that the UCO maintains with Ánfora Nova and its important cultural initiatives.”

He highlighted some of the “most unique” aspects of this collection of poems and his personal friendship with its author, highlighting, in addition to its magnificent content, the excellent edition carried out by Ánfora Nova. He has, he said, “a cleanliness and a balanced design in its 152 pages printed in color which combine 50 unpublished poems and as many watercolors made by the author of the book himself.

For his part, the director of the publishing house Ánfora Nova, Jose Maria Molinasaid that “The Beats of Dawn” is, according to specialist critics, “a bibliographical gem.” He also highlighted “the exhaustive process of edition of this work which had the participation of its author, who collaborated closely, from the first moment, in the design, layout or selection of fonts of his collection of poems.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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