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The president of the TSJ of Castilla y León denounces that the public authorities “incite” judges who “do nothing other than apply the law”

For José Luis Concepción, this is done “with the sole objective of diverting attention from facts that may merit regulatory criticism” and also, he added, “with a clear objective of delegitimization in anticipation of an unfavorable resolution.” He said this in his speech at the institutional event opening of the judicial year 2024-2025 in Castilla y León, which took place at the Palace of Justice of Burgos, and brought together more than 150 people, among others, the president of the Junta de Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, and the new members of the CGPJ (three of them from Burgos), reports Ical.

In this sense, Concepción gave as an example the term lawfare “in the mouths of too many people, sometimes stingily and other times irresponsibly, with the sole purpose of echoing the story heard in the related media, in another example of this dangerous polarization. . And this greatly harms the image of Justice and, ultimately, the credit of the State itself in the international context.

Concepción recalled that a year ago he denounced “the calculated attacks that both judicial leaders and judges are victims of”, and on that occasion he wanted to warn against “the relativism and passivity with which a large part of society regards them, which “He thinks that the destruction of the rule of law will not end up happening in Spain. I don’t know why there is a strange fate.”

In addition, he warned against “the polarization to which certain sectors have led in a tortuous and interested way in Spanish society, placing it in a situation comparable to the saddest moments of our history.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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