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The Prime Minister receives the leaders of the right again before announcing his government this week

Jordan Bardella: “If Michel Barnier is the continuation of a policy led by Emmanuel Macron, then this government will fall”

Jordan Bardella, president of National Grouping (RN), “the first group in the National Assembly”He told RTL this morning that “If Michel Barnier continues with the policy led by Emmanuel Macron for eight years, this government will fall.”

“If the government consists of recycling Gérald Darmanin, Eric Dupond-Moretti, all the macro-grandson experts up to Mr. Bertrand, (…) “The censorship will not only be that of the Prime Minister, it will be that of the government”Mr. Bardella added. The registered nurse “will judge on the basis of the evidence “, according to its president, who also declares that he does not believe “that this government can last a long time”.

Asked about the toughening of penalties, Jordan Bardella also confirmed what the vice-president of the RN group, Sébastien Chenu, had announced the day before on Franceinfo. “Yes, it is true that I proposed its recovery”Bardella said this morning, referring to minimum sentences.

As the trial of several RN leaders approaches, in the case of fictitious European parliamentary assistants, Bardella said that his party ” demonstrate [sa] good faith » and show your “irreproachable” on this topic. “This will not stop us from doing politics” He stated, adding that “Marine Le Pen faces this deadline with great serenity.”

According to an article in Release Published on Monday 9 September, the president of the RN himself is said to have participated in the preparation of false documents concerning his work as a European parliamentary assistant. Asked about these revelations which overwhelm him, Jordan Bardella declared that he did not “strictly nothing that [se] to reproach “.

“I have never provided the slightest document to any judicial or administrative authority, your colleague from Release make a mistake, I am not affected by this procedure »He added, adding that he had filed a defamation complaint against Release.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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