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“The Prime Minister’s call to Marine Le Pen is serious” according to François Hollande; for Gérard Larcher, the government must “talk to everyone”

Politicians question the criminal and administrative chain of the murder case in the Philippines

Several political leaders, from the right and the left, questioned “the criminal and administrative chain” in the case of the murder of Philippine in Paris, ruling that the suspect should not have been released before obtaining the pass allowing his expulsion to Morocco.

“When we have someone in custody, who is an individual we can consider a threat to French society, we should not have to release him before we are sure he will be able to leave.”judged the leader of the Socialists, Olivier Faure, on BFM TV/RMC.

“The consular pass that we had to collect from the Moroccan authorities had already been recovered, even before releasing or detaining him, where the deadlines are, in reality, limited in time.”judged.

Three days after the discovery of the student’s body buried in the Bois de Boulogne in Paris, a 22-year-old suspect, previously convicted of rape and subject to an OQTF (measures of expulsion from the territory), was arrested on Tuesday in Switzerland.

“That’s the problem with the OQTF, it has to work fast”stressed François Hollande, who questioned Franceinfo about “criminal and administrative chain”. On France Inter, the president of the LR Senate, Gérard Larcher, questioned the functioning of the criminal chain, considering that “it is one of the emergencies” to be treated.

“All information regarding the conditions of their release must be clarified. For the security of the French people, the systematic expulsion of foreign delinquents and criminals is imperative.”judged the Macronist deputy Charles Rodwell in X.

For registered representative Edwige Díaz, “A first step must be taken immediately: a foreigner under OQTF must move from the “prison” box to the “airplane” box, without going through the “release” box.”.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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