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the professional tip for removing limescale from taps

Limescale is one of the biggest enemies of our pipes and, by extension, of the taps in the house. In areas where limescale builds up more, water can experience taste changes and even end up damaging appliances and clogging taps in the home.

Beyond chemical solutions to put an end to this problem, there are some tricks that cleaning professionals use to leave the faucets looking like new and using only natural products and thus saving you from having to scrub like there is nothing there. had no tomorrow.

Cleaning faucets is often not just about aesthetics so that they look shiny and like new, it is also important to extend their useful life and prevent them from breaking prematurely. Having water flowing at the correct pressure through our faucets is the best sign that they are healthy and not clogged.

If, on the other hand, you notice that despite opening them to the maximum, only a small trickle of water passes through them, you should start worrying and get to work without delay. However, as with everything, it will be much better if you don’t wait until the problem has already set in in your pipes.

To create the magical mixture that professionals usually use to clean taps you only need water and vinegar and follow these simple steps:

  • Pour the water and vinegar cleaning solution into a spray bottle. Prepare the mixture in equal parts, the same amount of both liquids.
  • Once you have made the mixture of water and vinegar, spray it on the taps, focusing on the areas that you see most affected by limescale, that is, where it appears whiter.
  • Let the vinegar and water act for a few minutes on the faucets you are going to clean.
  • Now scrub the affected areas well with a cloth or brush and rinse with water.

Other Home Remedies

Although it is one of the most effective methods, it is not the only home remedy for removing limescale on faucets. We will tell you more if you do not want to use any of the specific products that can be found in specialized cleaning stores, supermarkets and other surfaces:

  • Rub directly on taps half lemon This can be effective in removing limescale.
  • Mingle clean the vinegar with baking soda. We will use a cup of vinegar and a third of a cup of baking soda. We will spray this solution on the taps and leave it to act for a few hours or, if necessary, overnight.
  • White vinegar and coarse salt. By mixing the two ingredients, we will obtain a thick paste that we will apply to the areas that accumulate the most limescale in the taps of the house. After letting it sit for a few minutes, we will have to rinse it with lukewarm water and then dry it well with a dry microfiber cloth.

Anyway, if you live one of the Spanish cities with the hardest water -like Alicante, Murcia, Ciudad Real, Jaén, Almería, Barcelona or Palma- you may need to consider adopting other solutions in the medium and long term so as not to end up with damaged pipes and broken appliances.

Harder water contains more calcium carbonate which, as we have already mentioned, builds up inside the pipes, causing a lower pressure in water flow. And if they are damaged, repairs are often expensive.

Why can lime be so harmful?

  • The problem is that lime is less soluble in hot waterThus, as its temperature increases, the carbonate dissolves less well and solid deposits form.
  • When limescale builds up in the pipes, it creates internal roughness which make it difficult for water to pass through these channels.
  • Lime crystals, over time, accumulate on top of each other and the the layers become thicker.

These are the main problems derived from an accumulation of lime in our pipes:

  • Clogged pipes: In the event of a serious blockage, repair is usually quite expensive.
  • Damaged devices: Limescale is one of the reasons that can damage our appliances – such as the washing machine or dishwasher -, requiring their repair or replacement with a new one. It is important to be careful to avoid it. There are certain anti-limescale products that can be used frequently as a preventative measure.
  • Lower pressure: This happens by decreasing the diameter of the pipe through which the water passes.
  • Increase in electricity bill consumption: This especially happens if limescale builds up in the home’s heating system.
  • Drinking water with a high presence of lime: Although it is not harmful to your health, its taste can be unpleasant. There are tests that allow us to measure the presence of limescale in the drinking water of our home.

Reduce limescale in our pipes

To reduce limescale in our pipes, you can also use a series of homemade tips like these:

  • He vinegar and baking soda This is once again one of the most effective options. Of course, we are talking about cases that are not serious. To descale the pipe, pour a cup of baking soda into the drain of the pipe in question, pour in a cup of vinegar and let it sit for half an hour. Then pour three liters of boiling water.

Another option that should not be ruled out is the possibility of installing anti-limescale filters in the house, which will prevent limescale from becoming encrusted so easily in our pipes, which will also make the water softer. This will have benefits for the consumption of drinking water at home, as well as for the lifespan of our household appliances, and will be less harsh on our skin when it comes to cleaning. There are many options on the market to tackle this problem depending on each person’s particular case.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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