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HomeLatest NewsThe prosecution, “the reign of terror”

The prosecution, “the reign of terror”

There is much talk about the colonization of institutions that is taking place during this period of Pedro Sánchez’s government, but little talk about what this means for the job performance of hundreds, if not thousands, of highly qualified professionals who find themselves in a dilemma: rebel, with the consequences that this has on their personal lives, or remain silent. Or a third option: make the jump to private companies, resulting in a loss of talent for the public sector. Related News Editorial Opinion No The Public Prosecutor’s Office does not defend the State Editorial ABC Our country had 60 days to appeal Sassoli’s decision, but a direct order from Moncloa prevented the Public Prosecutor’s Office from actingThe setback of the Court of justice of the European Union (CJEU) to the attempt of Carles Puigdemont, Clara Ponsatí and Toni Comin to be recognized as MEPs despite the fact that they did not collect the minutes in Spain (as required the law) brought to the present the role that the legal profession played in all this. question of the State, and places the emphasis once again on an institution which until this stage of our democracy had gone unnoticed in the eyes of public opinion. As ABC revealed yesterday, the decision of the state legal services not to subsequently act against the Puigdemont attacks was a “direct order from La Moncloa”. They provide ABC from Brussels, and they confirm it “one hundred percent” from the Prosecutor’s Office, an institution that David Vilas has headed since June 19, 2024 after six years under the direction of Consuelo Castro. It was she who made the decision, on the orders of La Moncloa, not to appeal the decision of the President of the European Parliament at the time, David Sassoli, to submit the report to the escapees without waiting for the judicial decision: the The consequence is that they have had a good salary for more than four years, they have benefited from immunity and, more seriously, they participated in an institution which conditions the lives of 400 million Europeans. What is the responsibility for the Spanish government’s inaction in this matter? Moreover, Sassoli was a socialist, a question which is not trivial given that at that time the Sánchez government was already beginning to “play hands”, as they say sarcastically from Brussels, with the separatists. In the prosecution, not all cases reach the top, it depends on the nature of the case. “If it is an ordinary matter, there are a series of deputy directors who make the decision. On a question of this type, the Attorney General of the State, who at the time was Consuelo Castro, undoubtedly took it, and she certainly consulted La Moncloa”, they explain from the inside to ABC It is the Executive which decides. “The government in question, in order to defend its national law, has sixty days to submit an appeal to the CJEU, and the government has ordered the public prosecutor not to submit an appeal and to allow these gentlemen to have access to the report and to benefit from the rights attached to them, the same in a fraudulent action by Sassoli”, explains to ABC Adrián Vázquez, the MEP protagonist of this battle to establish a precedent according to which if national laws are not respected, the MEP’s file cannot be collected: it has been for years. and, now, the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, who demonstrates a courageous and executive attitude. In the end, justice put things in their place, but it exposed the European socialists, the Spanish government and the subject of this article: the public prosecutor. It is assured that “when the one on the other side who puts pressure is the president of the government or the minister of the presidency, what capacity for resistance does the attorney general have? “I tell you that it was Moncloa with absolute certainty. one hundred percent.” Standard Related News Yes The European Parliament will ask the fugitive to pay the costs of the conviction of Juan Fernández-Miranda. The judgment condemns them, but it must make an assessment and demand the money. In recent months the Attorney General made two controversial decisions: the first was to assume and present the complaint for prevarication of the President of the Government against Judge Peinado, who is investigating his wife, Begoña Gómez: the signatory lawyer is Zaida Fernández, this which is not the first time that it has taken on a conflicting matter that interests the government The legal profession’s second controversial decision came this week – as we ironically wondered seven days ago – when. she asked to remove Judge Mario Macías from the debate on amnesty within the Constitutional Court. For the government, it is not enough for the public prosecutor to try, as it did, to tarnish the legal profession in an internal matter at the Constitutional Court. “We are at the maximum colonization of the public prosecutor’s office, it is the reign of terror,” they explain from the inside to ABC, impressed by the effect that government interference has in their daily lives. The first dismissal was that of Edmundo Bal, a decision taken by Consuelo Castro with the approval of the Minister of Justice at the time, Dolores Delgado. At that time, Bal was the state’s attorney handling the “trial” case. “It created a climate of terror: if they arrest this one, what will they do with me? “I have to pay my children’s mortgage and school fees…” they add. Related news Norm If Sánchez uses the Attorney General’s Office to file a complaint against Judge Peinado Mariano Alonso The head of government puts into practice the speech of “lawfare” and tries to open a case for prevarication after not having been authorized to testify in writing Another senior official of the institution assures ABC that she “attended several meetings during which no one wanted to speak despite the absurdities that were said”. Everyone is silent and looking down. Absurdities on organizational matters, not even on matters of high political importance. Before, we spoke to the prosecution, now terror reigns. During the trial of the trial before the Supreme Court, while all of Spain was debating it, the four prosecutors maintained their initial criterion, which was the same as the one that Pedro Sánchez had explained publicly: rebellion. But the president began to change direction, and Rosa Seoane, then head of criminal affairs in the attorney general’s office, filed a complaint for sedition, as the Supreme Court ultimately ruled. Seaone today works in private companies, notably in the office of José Ángel González Franco, and his replacement was precisely Zaida Fernández. Moreover, this firm also recruited Javier Melero, a prominent criminal lawyer who defended supporters of independence during the “trial” trial. “People who have experience leave, and many upstarts, young, very courageous, take advantage of the opportunity to be promoted quickly,” laments this senior official who observes how a key institution for the proper functioning of the State of right is decapitalized. Standard Related News Yes The PP asks the government to account for the role of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in the Koldo case Juan Casillas Bayo Demands answers in the defense of a high official already fired and investigated in the plot The Public Prosecutor’s Office is an institution that is generally not as exposed to public opinion, at least not as much as the state attorney general’s office. This is why this stage is probably the most conflicting in its recent history, and with an aggravating factor which is commented: “In recent years everything has gotten worse, and here it is very annoying to be told that we are the Legal Director of the Government.” . Well that.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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