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The Prosecutor’s Office warns of the increase in planning crimes and demolition problems in Andalusia

Andalusia, Ceuta and Melilla Public Prosecutor’s Office warned in his report, corresponding to the 2023 financial year, that the number of investigation procedures opened for crimes against the environment has increased, from 182 to 255, this increase being due to the subject of crimes against land use planning. In addition, he stressed that demolitions continue to pose many problems and that only eight have been carried out, all voluntarily.

Similarly, the report states that, in relation to environmental and urban planning crimes, the number of trials has remained practically the same, the majority for crimes against land use planning.

In this sense, he indicated that the increase occurred mainly in the area of ​​land use planning, as the mistreatment of domestic animals decreased. For his part, in the area of ​​historical heritage, unlike in 2022, where the number of procedures initiated in this area doubled, in 2023 only three procedures were initiated.

Work accidents

Regarding work accidents, the prosecutor’s report for the year 2023 indicates that the number of deaths due to work accidents increases from three in 2022 to seven in 2023, and the number of injured from 587 to 863 in 2023.

Likewise, it indicates that there is a significant increase in terms of pre-procedural investigation procedures since 12 were recorded in 2022 and 85 in 2023. Regarding the sectors where the accidents occurred, it should be noted that they were seen fundamentally related to the agricultural sector. activity and more specifically to the use of tractors and construction work.

Finally, in terms of road safety, the prosecution highlights a slight decrease in the number of proceedings initiated compared to the previous year of 3%. Similarly, it indicates that a total of qualified offences was 2,990 and that a large number drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs (50.4%) and drive without or without a licence (12%).


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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