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HomeLatest NewsThe Provincial Council of Córdoba provides 16.6 million euros for 760 projects...

The Provincial Council of Córdoba provides 16.6 million euros for 760 projects in the province

THE Provincial Council of Cordoba will pay, between today and tomorrow, the 16.6 million of Provincial Council Investment Plan 2024an economic reactivation plan that allows them to “carry out all kinds of work that will improve the quality of life of residents and increase their competitive capacity.”

The president of the provincial institution, Salvador Fuenteswas responsible for explaining how the total amount of this program is distributed “whose objective is to strengthen municipal skills by providing 76 municipalities, four ELAS and ten associations with the benefit of launching 760 projects with an execution period of up to 18 months.”

“It is a plan that is part of the backbone of the Government provincial, as the solution to the water problem, addressing its electrification, generating opportunities for economic growth and combating depopulation, in addition to promoting the internal and external connectivity of the province,” said Fuentes.

The aid granted is distributed by areas of expenditure. Zone 1 includes all actions of basic public services (6,190,360 euros), zone 2 refers to social protection and promotion (448,246 euros), zone 3 to privileged public goods (7,219,593 euros), zone 4 includes actions of an economic nature (1,067,937 euros) and 9 includes General Actions (1,662,412 euros).

Plenary session of the provincial institution this Wednesday


Thus, sector 1, Basic Public Services, reaches 6,190,360 euros and includes all the expenses incurred by the basic services that municipalities must provide. Four fundamental policies are included here, such as security and mobility of citizens (742,425 euros), housing and urban planning (1,809,983 euros), community well-being (2,204,438 euros) and the environment (1,433,513 euros).

Area 2, Social Protection and Promotion, includes attention to groups with special needs, such as young people, the elderly, people with physical disabilities, the elderly, etc. Area 3, Privileged Public Goods, includes expenditures incurred by the local entity in education and school maintenance (817,736 euros), culture (1,230,515 euros), leisure (3,448,768 euros) and free time (1,639,278 euros).

Cleaning of educational centers

In this section, the president of the Provincial Council evaluated some assigned projects, such as the cleaning of the educational centers of Montoro, Benamejí Bandolera or conditioning actions for the children’s area of ​​the swimming pool. Pozoblanco.

Zone 4, Economic actionsincludes expenditure on activities and services related to trade (375,936 euros), tourism (372,918 euros), rural roads (211,448 euros) and activities related to the information society and digitalization (107,633 euros). Projects such as the improvement of the Zuheros food market, a tourism action plan of the Subbética Commonwealth and the Municipal Road Plan of Luque are part of this area.

Fuentes concluded by insisting that “a great effort has been made by technicians to put this amount into charge, because we cannot talk about the demographic challenge if we do not offer opportunities and that is where the feeling of Deputation“.

“We provide financial assistance to actions that strengthen and guarantee the public services of the beneficiary local entities, being able to finance investment expenses, current goods and services and personnel expenses. “We contribute to the economic and social development of our municipalities,” he said.


In addition to the approval of the ratification of the Diputación Invierte 2024 projects, which local entities will receive immediately, a credit modification was approved with two important points.

In this sense, The spokesperson of the Provincial Group of the PP, Ana Rosa Ruzstressed that “this is the provision for additional credit for the Cofrade Heritage Call item, to which is added 560,000 euros, out of the 200,000 already budgeted, in order to respond to all requests that meet the requirements.

Similarly, he continued, “we are making a change to the credit for exceptional grants to municipalities for pests and for the treatment of West Nile virusfor which we budget 500,000 euros when they have to carry out a certain type of treatment.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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