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HomeLatest NewsThe Provincial Council of León considers the use of the Godello grape...

The Provincial Council of León considers the use of the Godello grape variety in the Rueda designation of origin “an aberration”

Unrest in Leon by the decision that the Rueda Designation of Origin can use the Berciana Godello grape variety after the approval by the Council of the modification of the specifications proposed by the Regulatory Council of Valladolid.

The Provincial Council of León considers that it is “unacceptable” and an “aberration” the decision of the Agrarian Technological Institute of Castilla y León published this Friday in the Bocyl and they call it “new affront” of the autonomous government “to the province of León in general and Bierzo in particular.”

The president of the provincial institution, Gerardo Álvarez Courel, believes that “It’s not reasonable that other regions that do not have a tradition in using the Godello grape want to incorporate it now and that, for a reason that we do not understand, and that Rather, it is a question of interests of another type, is authorized by the Council,” he said.

According to Álvarez Courell, “Godello grape wine is in fashionhas a good acceptance in the market, the result of the serious and dedicated work of the DO Bierzo for many years, and what the DO Rueda now intends to take advantage of this situation to penetrate the market, in a clear example of totally unfair competition, and in an aberration protected by the Junta de Castilla y León. He also criticized the fact that this decision was taken. “without having counted” on the DO Bierzo, “which the Junta de Castilla y León must also take into account, but which it has totally ignored.”

For its part, the Regulatory Council of the Bercienne designation of origin has already announced the adoption of the all legal actions possible against the measure of the Regional Executive and which has already contacted the Galician appellations of Ribeira Sacra, Valdeorras and Monterrei which also have Godello among their native varieties.

THE PSOE of Leonwhich will also support the legal battle that the Bercian Regulatory Council is about to start. Thus, the secretary general of the Leonese PSOE, Javier Alfonso Cendón, believes that it is “an attack on rights and heritage “wine growing region” and recalls that in Valladolid there is no tradition of using this grape, which means “unfair competition”.

“We are facing a new affront against León and Bierzo, which we cannot allow. Godello is a variety that is part of our identity, and Its use must be respected and protected in favor of those who have worked for generations to maintain its quality and prestige,” Cendón emphasizes.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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