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HomeLatest NewsThe Provincial Delegation of León appeals to the Council to obtain authorization...

The Provincial Delegation of León appeals to the Council to obtain authorization from DO Rueda to use the godello

The Provincial Delegation of León presented to the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development of the Junta de Castilla y León a call against the resolution of the Agrarian Technological Institute of Castilla y León (Itacyl) which authorizes the DO Rueda to use the Godello grape variety.

The letter, signed by the president of Provincial Council of LeónGerardo Álvarez Courel, requests the annulment of the aforementioned authorization granted by the Council, considering that it “suffers from procedural defects and a lack of motivation” and requests that it be provisionally suspended until the appeal, also presented by DO Bierzo. , is resolved.

The provincial institution – the last plenary session of the Provincial Council of León approved an institutional declaration in defense of the DO Bierzo supported by all groups, with the exception of Vox, which abstained – affirms in a press release that the Council’s decision “seriously harms the producers of the DO Bierzo, which, like other DOPs of the Community of Galicia, the Godello grape variety as the main variety of their white wines and they have done hard work to improve the quality, from which the PDO Rueda should now benefit.

The Provincial Council indicates in its appeal that, on September 11, it asked the Itacyl access to the file to know the reasons for the decision taken, “without electronic or paper access to said file having been granted to date”. The provincial institution adds that the only documentation to which it has had access “is that which can be consulted on the website to which the Resolution subject of this appeal refers”, therefore “we reserve the right to extend the appeal taking into account its complete documentation when the requested access is provided to us”, adds the text.

Regardless, the appeal states that, according to the documents provided, “a adequate motivation from the Regulatory Council of DO Rueda in the terms required by DO Rueda itself.Junta of Castile and León» on aspects such as the justification of the need to incorporate new varieties and considers that what was provided by the DO Rueda “does not meet the requirements of adequate motivation required by current regulations. »

Finally, he alleges the lack of publicity of the decision through the obligatory publication of it in the Official State Journal, an announcement “before the opening of the two-month opposition period provided for in Article 11 of said regulation”, because “if this is not done, the other AOP concerned will be deprived of the possibility of having prior knowledge of it and of filing this appeal” due to the authorization of use of the godello grapeconcludes the press release sent this Saturday by the Provincial Council.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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