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HomeBreaking NewsThe PSOE abstains from the proposal to declare Juan Carlos I "persona...

The PSOE abstains from the proposal to declare Juan Carlos I “persona non grata” in Andalusia

The plenary session of the Parliament of Andalusia refused to declare King Juan Carlos I “persona non grata” by a non-legislative proposal (PNL) that the Adelante Andalucía (AA) group presented to the regional chamber.

The measure remained in the drawer despite the abstention of the PSOE. The opposing votes were of the PP and Vox those who refused the green light to the proposal. The left-wing groups -AA and Unidas Podemos- voted for.

NLPAccording to what its president, José Ignacio García, spokesperson for Adelante Andalucía, defended, he would have sought to disfigure the behavior of the emeritus monarch when he still reigned in Spain.

For García, “the multiple activities that he carried out throughout his mandate as head of state and after his resignation, with the sole aim of enriching himself personally and bequeathing his fortune to his family” were the reason for this symbolic question of his declaration Andalusia “persona non grata”.

The surprise came to the ranks of the PSOE. The group did not oppose the idea of ​​Adelante Andalucía and preferred abstention. Already this Wednesday morning, the spokesperson for this group, María Márquez, warned that her party’s position was not fixed.


The same thing, he explained, was going to be decided during an internal meeting announced this Thursday: abstention.

“Corruption is intrinsically written into the very DNA of the Spanish monarchy,” said José Ignacio García.who concluded his speech by encouraging to “open a debate on who deserves that the Andalusian people show their respect,” García defended.

Among the criticisms of the proposal is that it is not an Andalusian issue. This was indicated this Wednesday the spokesperson for the PP group in the Parliament of Andalusia, which was surprised coming from a group, AA, which declares itself Andalusian.

In the group positioning roundparliamentarian PP-A Juan José Salvador He began his speech by emphasizing that he “never thought” that he could “find himself debating an initiative like this” in the Andalusian Parliament, “and even less in the current times in which we live” .


For the PP, the issue is “respect for the constitutional order, the separation of powers, the autonomous model, the defense of the equality of all Spaniards and, of course, current legality”, this is not therefore not the time for these debates.

For his part, PSOE-A parliamentarian Josele Aguilar argued during his speech that his group I was not going to support this initiative, and expressed his “frustration” at having to spend “ten minutes” in plenary “speaking about the adventures of the King Emeritus” instead of doing so on other subjects.

But the group ended up abstaining. The proposal was not rejected, although he criticized that the proposal “is going to make headlines with this initiative”, but “we will have done nothing productive to improve the lives of Andalusians” with her.

The Crown

For his part, the deputy of Vox Benito Morillo He also rejected this PNL Adelante and considered that “it is not a statement against the King Emeritus, but an attack on the Crown and Spain that they despise.”

Finally, the representative of Por Andalucía Esperance Gomez called the King Emeritus a “thief”, whom he said “we know has embezzled the public treasury”, and whom he criticized because “for decades his fortune was a secret”, but now it is known, as he criticized, that “public money” and “reserved” by the Spaniards “was used to pay for the excesses” of the head of state, and that he could have be used “to pay for dependency” or the construction of hospitals, he argued.




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